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-Michael's POV-

I fell asleep shortly after Nicole. I woke up only once or twice because of a bad dream but I slept better with Nicole by my side. The next morning, I woke up with Nicole clinging on to my waist. I traced her facial features, finding the small scar on her neck that was barly noticeable. I thought about the story behind it. The story that only 5sos knows, we know every little detail of her childhood. Like how she was rapped when she was 3 by her own dad, or how, every night she prayed that her parents would leave her alone, or even, that she never had any actual fun as a kid. Soon she woke up and smiled.
"Morning, Mikey" she said. I haven't heard her call me that in a while. A long while.
"Morning baby" I say kissing her. "You sleep ok"
"I woke up a couple of times, but I slept better than usual" she said, cuddling closer into me.
"Both of the other boys are coming over for the next couple of weeks. Their coming over later today" I tell her.
"Yay, I get to see Ash and Cal" she yells and jumps out of bed. Duckota, who was on the floor next to me, jumped up thinking she was going outside. I get up and let her into my backyard then go upstairs again. Nicole is only in her bra and my boxers that she really likes wereing to bed.
"Oh" I say, my eyes wide. I turn around to let her change but she stands right behind me and turns me around.
"It's ok"she says. She puts her hands in my back pockets and I start breathing really hard. I wanted to do this, but should I. She started kissing my neck, makeing me moan. Luke wasn't home, he would be home when the other two boys were home. So what the heck, let's do this. I put my hands on her stomach, and slowly move them up. She smirked against my lips and pulled me towards the bed. The last time we did this, I was in control but this time, she is.
She laid against the bed, while I take off her bra. She pulls my shirt over my head and starts at my pants. She moves down my body and I close my eyes.
"Fuck,NICOLE" she is so good at this I can't help but scream her name. I continue to scream her name and clutch her hair. Wen we comes back up, I am still whimpering. I am hovering over her when my bedroom door opens.
"Hi Luke, hi Ash, hi Cal" they stood there with their mouths wide open. "Oh no, bye Luke, bye Ash, bye Cal" she yelled and went under the covers. Now they all saw both of us naked.
"Get out" I yell. Nicole comes out and I can fully look at her. "Wow" is all I can say.
"We should probably go down soon" she says getting slightly nervous under my glare.
"Why, I can turn you back on, like a flip of a switch" I say, wanting to fuck her.
"Well let's see you try that later" she says and slips out from under me. She gets dressed in a crop top and some shorts and runs downstairs.

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