Back at the Shack

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It was several years after Weirdmageddon. Everybody has returned to the Mystery Shack for the year, just to catch up and have some family fun. Sadly, Dipper and Mabel's parents have died, but the twins are 16 now, and living with their grandpa Shermy. Due to Shermy wanting no part of the Stan's, he just sent the kids.

The bus pulled up to the stop. "Ah, Gravity Falls. Where we were almost killed several times and developed lifelong trauma!" Mabel sighed happily.

"All part of the towns wonder! Now grab your stuff Mabe's, we gotta get to the Shack" Dipper wondered, stepping off the bus, "I wonder if all the stickers are still there on your half of the room".

"Moooore than likely. I super glued them!" Mabel giggled as she jumped off the bus.

"You... You super glued them? Why..." He asked, confused. There really was no point to glueing them down, they were already sticky. At the same time, he shouldn't be surprised. This was his sister, after all.

"I dunno, cause' I could?" She shrugged as the map she was given was stuffed in a nearby trash can, "Won't need that!".

Once they were both successfully off the bus they looked around, both amazed and thrilled that nothing seems to have changed besides extra clean up from the madness apocalypse. Breathing in deeply, Dipper announced "Ah, still has that pine scent. I love it" He paused, then spoke up "Should we take the shortcut to the shack, or go through town?"

"Let's take the shortcut, don't wanna be late!" Mabel exclaimed, skipping away.

The two headed down a path which had been overgrown since the last time they were there, but was still visible. Seeing something shine in the corner of his eye, he turned to his sister who also saw the light, "Hey, what was that?" He asked.

"I dunno, should we check it out? Ya know, MYSTERY TWINS STYLE?!" Mabel shouted obnoxiously.

"You're loud, and hell yeah we should." He replied, fist pumping the air as he rushed off in the light's direction, Mabel right behind him. They ended up in a clearing, where a triangle statue made of stone sat.

Dipper tilted his head, confused. Walking up closer he quickly recognized the figure "It's Bill!" He shouted, jumping back. Instinctively he put an arm in front of his sister, pushing her back slightly.

"Wanna kick it?" Mabel suggested, paying no attention to the arm in front of her.

Dipper rolled his eyes, "No, you don't know what that'll do. Let's go. We're gonna be late." He grabbed her wrist with his right hand and led her away, his left hand gently brushing along the hand of the statue. Walking away the pair doesn't bother to look back, missing the golden eye coming back to life with a blink.

"Mabel! Dipper!" Grunkle Stan yelled as he raced towards the two and hugged them. 

"Grunkle Stan!" The two younger Pines called out, in sync. 

Once Stan finally let the two of them go, they looked around the room. Everybody was there. Wendy, Soos, Ford, Stan, and even Candy and Grenda. They all rushed in to hug the two, even Stan again. "Hey, it's been forever!" Was his lame alibi. 

"Wait, Soos? Where's Waddles?" Mabel asked the still chubby man. (Background info-Mabel had Soos watch Waddles for the past 3 months while Mabel and Dipper were settling in Shermy's place after their parents' death.) 

"Oh! He cut his ear on accident when we let him out. He is at the pet groomers right now getting it fixed up so there won't even be a scar, dude!" He explained, looking down "Sorry about letting him get hurt". 

"Oh, it's not your fault!" Mabel replied quickly. 

"So, how's about some lunch?" Ford interrupted so Mabel wouldn't ramble on. 

"Sure" and "Sounds good to me!" were heard throughout the whole room.

"Great! How about Greasy's Diner?" Ford suggested. Everybody agreed. They all went out and piled into the van the Stan's bought. All the while they shared stories of what has happened since the sets of twins left.

"Hey, uh Great Uncle Ford? There is something you might wanna know." Dipper said quietly, as he moved over to Ford.

"Whats up Dipper?" Ford replied, slightly worried.

"Not to be a downer or anything, but I thought you should know" He paused, "When Mabel and I were walking through the woods we found something a bit... disturbing in the forest. We saw a statue of Bill, half in the dirt" Dipper explained, voice weary.

"Ah, so you found it. I wrote it down in Journal 2 actually. See, Bill turns to stone if he is defeated. No need to worry, unless... did you touch it? That may cause some... not so pleasant things to happen." Ford replied, hoping with everything he had that Dipper didn't touch the pyramid-like statue.

"No, Mabel wanted to kick it but I wouldn't let her," DipDip responded, grinning mischievously as he put his sister on the spot.

"Oh ok, good. Well, we are almost there. So go chat!" Ford ended the conversation with, no need to continue the pointless conversation. All throughout dinner, the Stan's were telling stories of what they faced when they were at sea. Finally, once they were all home, the twins unpacked and the family all dozed off watching an old episode of Grandpa the Kid.


I just started editing every chapter, and damn my writing sucked when I started this lol

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