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Third Person P. O. V.

Naruto smiled at Kakashi. His true love had prepared  a very, very big meal, including dessert. And he planned to eat every single bite whether it was bad or good, although he was very sure everything would be food as Kakashi made it. They had been together for over a year, and Naruto made sure Kakashi never cooked. He felt it was his job to do that as a spouse, and he was the more feminine of the two.

"My my Kakashi, this smells absolutely delicious. I can't wait to dig in" Naruto licked his lips. In front of him was a variety of sweet foods and actual meals. There was ramen, red bean soup, dango, rice, sushi, and even more. Kakashi blushed and thanked his love, Naruto. It was his first time cooking after all seeing as he was never allowed to cook until then.

"I honestly have no clue what this will taste like. I have never attempted to cook as I always went out to eat because of my missions" Kakashi said, embarrassed that he never cooked. Everyone could cook, even Sasuke. And not to forget Choji and Shikamaru knew how to cook as well. And that kinda left him the odd one out of the males. Hell, even Sai cooked for Ino.

"Well I but it will be amazing. Now let's see if your cooking is better than mine" Naruto said. He split his chopsticks, and began to put the sushi onto his plate. Kakashi watched as Naruto plopped one into his mouth, slowly chewing it. His face then lit up as he slowly chewed the sushi, savouring the taste.

"Oh my god, this is amazing! I've never tried something as delicious and delectable as this" Naruto said as he stuffed his mouth in a rush to taste more. Kakashi smiled and began to eat his own creations. And they were, in fact, pretty good. Yet they weren't the best things he had ever tasted.

"I don't see why you're eating so fast. For one its not going anywhere, and there's plenty. Just slow down" Kakashi laughed as Naruto stopped, sushi halfway out his mouth. The blond blushed as he swallowed the rest. He couldn't help it as the sushi, even though plain, had something in it that made it special.

"I don't know what makes it so good. Maybe it's because you made it with love, but I can't get enough. We might need more" Naruto chuckled as he began to work on the ramen. He would have to say that this may have been the best ramen he tasted. Kakashi could open a ramen shop, or even a food shop. There was even the possibility it would give Ichiraku ramen a run for their money.

"I have to say I am a good cook, but don't risk choking for me, " A devious smirk appeared on his face, " you can save that for later" Kakashi said in an innocent tone. Naruto almost spit the ramen out, his eyes bulging out at what Kakashi said. Never had Kakashi been so sexual over a dinner. He hoped Kakashi didn't have a secret food fetish or else he would be done. But he couldn't help but get a little turned on by his lover.

"Wow, I can't believe you said that Kakashi. I almost don't want to eat anymore, but it's too good to put down" Naruto said with a playful frown on his face. Kakashi only laughed at Naruto. He always had a big appetite, which made him wonder how he kept a small figure. Possibly from burning the calories during sex, but he could also work out. That just made kakashi smile bigger at the thought of a sweaty Naruto. Yum.

"You better stop eating before you get a stomach ache. I know it's good, but it couldn't possibly be that good. Now put. It. Down." Kakashi said as if he was talking to a dog. Naruto blinked at him, mouth stuffed beyond capacity. The blonde chewed and chewed, then swallowing (I know someone will post a nasty comment ;-;) before continuing to stuff his face. Kakashi sweat dropped at his lover.

"Naruto you better stop this instance! Or so help me god I will call you know who and get her here to make you stop!" He threatened. Kakashi made sure to never say the name Tsunade when threatening Naruto as it triggered him to run away. By saying 'you know who made' Naruto stop what he was doing, except for now. He just continued to eat, at an even faster pace now.

"I'm sorry kakashi, but it is so good. I've been full for a while now, and i just can't stop. it's like how Sasuke was obsessed with training, I'm obsessed with your food" Naruto whined as he began to eat the last dango. Kakashi shook his head in defeat. There was no way he could get Naruto to stop eating now. but there was one last thing he could try before he declared Naruto a lost cause.

"Well if you want sex at all ever, you will have to stop eating and come to the room." He said, walking away from the table, making sure to sway his hips in the process. Naruto choked on the dango. He looked between the figure going into their room, and the delicious dango in front of him. He could always finish it later, so he ran to the room as fast as he could. And only to find Kakashi getting ready for bed.

"You tricked me you baka! You'll pay for this, tomorrow" Naruto mumbled as he slipped out of his clothes and into his boxers. Kakashi mumbled a 'you wish' as Naruto got into bed.

Okay so weird one shot, but I got the word from BellaWrites10 . So they KakaNaru one shot book is back everyone! Are you all happy? You should be. lol. Now there is a one shot that has been requested by a few, and that is for Kakashi reading Naruto's letter from "When you love, you don't let go". So do expect that in this book. And if you want other versions of my one shots for this book, do comment them or pm me. And it seems the guidelines are now making changes with the sex rule. So i will no longer do smut due to the rules. Hopefully my books don't get taken down, or even the chapters. So I will have to edit the first kakaNaru one shot book due to that. Well, bye everyone.


P.S. i am a rebel so there might be smut ;)

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