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Katie's pov

Day 1 of fashion week. Emily is currently laying a bunch of sexy dresses on my bed, and although they look good, they won't on me.

"Why didn't you ask Joanna?" I groan.

"Because her and Ashton are going away for the week." She reminded me. I had forgot.

Eventually we found a dress that would due. She though it look hot on me, but I was never into girly things.

She curled my hair, did my makeup and even painted my nails. She was taking this so seriously.

She did herself up, and then it was time to go downstairs. I had one heel on due to my cast. She helped me down the stairs and there was Michael and Luke sitting on the couch waiting for us. I felt weird.

"Here comes the witch." Emily whispers in my ear.

Luke's pov

Wow. I've never seen Katie like this. Her body is just..wow. But I know she hates it. She's tugging at her dress every five seconds and crossing her arms to cover her chest. It's just not her.

"Guys why are you doing this?" I sighed.

"Because we can." Emily scoffed. Michael was practically drooling over Emily.

"Okay well can you pick so I can change?" Katie asked, annoyed.

"Oh honey, you do realize you have to wear it the whole day right?" Arzaylea scoffed. Katie was about to pounce on Arz so I knew we had to pick fast to get this over with.

"Katie. She looks the best."

"Arzaylea, of course." Is what I really said. I didn't mean it though.

"This whole thing is going to be biased. Obviously Luke will pick Arzaylea and Michael will pick Emily." Katie said.

"Jealous?" Arzaylea laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"No, just not really seeing the point in this." Katie sarcastically smiled.

"That's why we have a third judge. Calum!" Emily yelled for Cal. As soon as Calum walked in, he checked Katie out. I could tell she was uncomfortable.

"Just pick, Cal. We don't have all day." I reminded.

"Well obviously Katie." He smiled.

"So our team takes day one." Emily said to Arzaylea.

Katie's pov

Arzaylea told Luke she had to go to her friends house for the day. Thank the heavens.

"She's not even here, why can't I change?" I complained to Emily. She rolled her eyes.

"It's part of the competition." She reminded.

"Sorry but I didn't sign up for a beauty pageant. You didn't tell me I would have to stay like this the whole day."  I spat. I was pissed.

"Because you wouldn't have said yes!" She reasoned.

"Duh!" I yelled.

"Just deal with it, you complain about everything." She rolled her eyes.

"My bad, I just had fucking knee surgery and now I'm part of some stupid contest so you can prove Arzaylea wrong!" I yelled.

"Oh my bad, sorry for trying to help you!" She yelled back.

"Help me how? I feel uncomfortable!" I yelled. I was so close to losing it.

"Because Arzaylea has been a bitch to you the whole time!" She defended her cause. It made me laugh.

"I don't settle things with clothes, Emily." I rolled my eyes.

"Can you guys shut up? Like seriously?" Michael said from the couch. By now, Luke, Mike, and Cal were all watching us.

"I didn't start this." Emily defended.

"What a fucking like!" I yelled, going at Emily. I tripped and landed on my good knee. I groaned, not bothering to get up.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" Emily asked, crouching down.

"Like you care?"

"I'm sorry Katie. I should've told you. I'm calling this whole thing off." She sighed, grabbing her phone.

"You're so selfish." Michael scoffed after Emily went upstairs to call Arzaylea.

"Sorry." I spat, with no sympathy at all.

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