Chapter 17

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                           Ressie's POV

With Ashton being back, I was on edge. It's been a few weeks since he came back and I haven't been able to shake a bad feeling.
Why was he back all of a sudden? What did he want?

"Hey Ressie!!!!!" My overly happy best friend said knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Hey Orianna" I smiled

"Okay you gotta stop thinking about Asher or whatever his name is. Let's have fun! There's a party tonight, let's go!!!"  She was basically jumping up and down

"Who's throwing it?" I asked

"Oh who cares? Let's just have fun!" Orianna cheered

"Okay. I need the fun" I replied

Her eyes got so big and wide. You ever see Despicable me, when the little girl sees the fluffy unicorn? Yeah that was Orianna at this moment.

"YOU'LL GO??!!!!" She yelled

"Oreo!! Chill! And yes I will go with you." I laughed

We walked into lunch and everyone got quiet.

"What's going on?" Orianna whispered to me

"I have no clue..." I whispered back

We sat down with the guys at our table and started eating lunch. Not a moment after that, the cafeteria started getting loud again.

That was until Raquel and her squad and the rest of the jocks came in.

Raquel pranced over to our table with her hand in Ashton's.

"Well would you look at that..." Ronny muttered

I bit back a snicker

"What can we do for you today Raquel?" Greg asked

"I just wanted to show Ressie, that she missed out of this hottie. And she shouldn't get jealous." She smirked at me.

Smirking I replied "what would I get jealous of? You? You can have Ashton. At least I know I won't be used for sex. " She tried to say something but Ashton just pulled her away. This is why I hate people. I only have a few reasons because you can never fully trust people.

"At least she's over Duncan."  Oreo rolled her eyes

"I think it's me who's glad I'm over her." Duncan said looking at me. I looked away and pulled out my phone. I saw I had a text Dante

  Baby😍💕💙😘😉😏💦- Hey beautiful, we need to talk..."

The smile on my face quickly disappeared after I read that. I turned to Orianna and showed her the text. "What do you think he wants to talk about?" I asked
She shook her head and said "let's find out. Text him back." 
"Oh good point" I said and rolled my eyes

To Baby😍💕💙😘😉😏💦 - Uh... okay. Pick me up after school so we can talk?...

Baby😍💕💙😘😉😏💦- Yeah. See you soon sweet cheeks😘

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