Chapter 39

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*A Day Later*


Keyona and I lay in bed all day, not wanting anything to end. This day. This moment. Each other.

"I don't want you to leave." She says.

"I know, but it won't be more painful this time since we've already done it." I say, trying to reassure her. I feel her nod, and I kiss her.

"When are you two gonna get up?" Tony asks, irritated. Keyona shrugs, and I do the same. He sighs and leaves the room, and I snicker.

"He's pissed off." I say.

"He hasn't been able to spend time with me, and he's gonna be pissed when you guys have to leave." Keyona says, sighing. I hold her hand, tight.

"It'll be okay, I promise." I say, smiling.

I see Jaime come in the room.

"Hey Vic." He says, obviously trying to hide the fact that he's ecstatic that I'm going to propose today.

"Hey Jaime. What's going on?" I say, throwing him a peace sign from the sheets. He laughs.

"Did you guys even do anything last night?" He asks.

"Nope. I controlled myself." I say proudly. Jaime cracks up. He leaves the room and winks at me.

"What was all that about?" She asks, giggling. I shrug, and she shrugs too.

"I'll be right back." Keyona says, hopping out of bed. I get up and wash my face and brush my teeth, and I hop back in.


"Hey Tony turtle." I say, hugging him.

"We have to leave soon." He whispers. I hug him again and he holds me in his arms.

"I'm gonna miss you." He whispers. I nod, and we continue hugging. We rock on the balls of our feet, hugging.

"Tony, Jaime and Vic are being weird." I say when we separate.

"What's new?" He says. I laugh, and he smiles.

"He was all winking at him and stuff. It was, weird." I say. Tony shrugs again, and I lightly smack his arm.

"Stop being sad." I say.

"I'm cuddling with you tonight." He says quickly. I smile and I hug him.

"As long as Vic doesn't get in my ass, then, yeah." He says. I laugh, and Vic walks in.

"Keyona, come back baby!!" He sings.

"Your voice is perfect." I say. He smiles, but I don't come. He shrugs, and stays with Tony and I.

"I'm cuddling with her tonight, Fuentes." Tony says.

"I was gonna do-" he starts to say.

"You said I can cuddle with her." He snaps. The tension's getting thick.

"I had something planned." Vic says.

"Really? I don't really see sex as a plan, Vic."

"TONY PERRY!" I yell. He narrows his eyes at Vic.

"You two just made up, and now you're fighting again?" I ask, getting pissed off.

I leave, letting them stare at each other. Mike sits on the bed, texting. He looks up at me and points to the kitchen area.

"Are they both being dick heads?" Mike asks.

"Mostly Tony." I say. He laughs.

"Don't you get it? He still likes you, Keyona. He's just using being your best friend an excuse to be affectionate with you." He says. I take a sharp in take of breath. Is Mike forreal? Does Tony only want to be my friend because he still likes me and he wants to feel me up?

"Dickhead." I spit at Mike, and I leave for a little bit, shutting the door behind me.

Mike's a dick head, too.

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