Chapter 29

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I put all my jealous feelings for Tony and Keyona in a box.

"What happened?!" I ask first.

"She was turning into a complex, and the driver smashed into her on the side." Tony says, his head in his hands. I get chills up and down my spine, and I sit here, trying to figure it all out. I see the doctor come, and he looks at us.

"Her heart stopped but we got it up and running. She won't be able to last long, though. There's too much wear and tear. She can only last about thirty minutes. Either she gets a heart transplant, or.." He doesn't finish his sentence, and I gulp.

"What type of blood does she have?" I ask quietly.

"Type O." He says, looking at some charts.
"You don't have anything that's compatible with her heart?" I know it's not his fault, but I want to hurt him. He nods his head no, and I'm tempted to hit a wall.
Suddenly Tony gulps, and stands up.

"I have that." He whispers. Wait, what?!

"Are you willing to donate?" The doctor asks. He nods.

"I'm more than willing." He whispers. The doctor nods.

"I'll see you in thirty minutes then." The doctor says. He leaves us all alone, and my mouth drops. Tony's going to give his heart. To Keyona. Tony's going to die.

"Are you sure about this?" Jaimie's asks nervously. Tony nods.

"I'd do anything for her. Guys, I love her." He whispers. This bothers me to the bone, but I don't care. I don't want Tony to die. I would miss him too much. Even if he's trying to get with my girlfriend.

"Might as well say our goodbyes." Mike says coldly, standing up, leaving. I leave with him, and we walk.

"It's not ever going be the same without Tony." He whispers. I see him look down, and I can tell he's crying.

"Yeah, it's not. That's why I need to go makeup with him." I whisper. Mike nods, and we turn around.

When we come back, Jaime is hugging Tony. I see the little tears in his eyes, and it kills me. This is all your fault, Vic. Why'd you have to fall in love at a fucking club, I think over and over. Mike says something to Tony, and they both laugh. Probably something dirty. Tony stands up as Mike sits down, and everyone's waiting for us to makeup.

"Let's walk." I say to Tony. He nods, and we leave.

"Before I, um, go, we should just squash this."Tony says quickly. I nod, but we don't say anything.

"I'm sorry for making you quit." I say, starting to cry.

"I'm sorry for trying to steal your girlfriend." He replies, and we cry together.

"Shit, I hate fighting with you, Vic." He says. I nod.

"I know! We're supposed to be family, and we're arguing like cats and fucking dogs." I reply. Tony nods, and we cry all the way back to the hospital.

We all come together and cry our eyes out, hugging each other like the brothers we're supposed to be. After our five minute session, we all break away.

"We should tell Keyona." Tony whispers. Everyone nods, and we all walk to her room. She lays there, looking so hot. Even in a fucking gown.

"Hey." I say. She looks up at me, but then turns away a little.

"We have some news for you." Tony says like it's good.

"I know! The doctor says I have a donor for my heart!" She says, excited. I bite back tears.

"Um, we were coming to tell you that the donor is Tony." Mike whispers. We all nod, and she looks at us funnyily.

"Stop fucking with me." She says angrily. Jaime turns away as some tears escape his eyes, and I will myself not to cry.

"It's true, Keyona. We have the same blood type. So I'm donating so you won't have to die." He says painfully. She looks at him, then me.

"Your gonna let him do this?!" She yells at me, and I feel even more bad.

"I can't stop him. You guys have the same blood type. Keyona, he wants to do this, it's his-"


We don't say anything, and she starts to cry.

"I won't let you. I'd rather die than-"

"DONT SAY THAT!" Tony and I yell together. This time we smile instead of roll our eyes at each other.

"You can't do this for me, Tony. Please, don't do it." She begs him.

"It's already decided, Keyona."

She sits up, and she has tears in her eyes.

"I won't let them. I won't let them touch me. You are not gonna die for me." She says. We all sigh, and I look at my watch. Shit, it's almost been thirty minutes. She looks at us all, and she dries her tears, knowing she's not going to win.

"Fine. Fine, but don't ever expect me to talk to any of you guys again." She says, narrowing her eyes at all of us. Tony sits on her bed, and he hugs her.

"If I'm gonna die, I want those lips of yours." He says. She gulps and nods, and we leave the room, even though I'm aching to stay.

My Queen For A Day | Book Oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें