Chapter 7

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I hear Vic stir from his sleep, and I grab the list I made.

"Keyona? Keyona where are you?" He whispers. He's so cute when he's half asleep.

"I'm right here." I say, and he gets up and takes off his shirt.

"What were you doing? We were supposed to watch movies." He playfully whines. I laugh and smack his arm.

"I was making a list before you left." I say. He smiles I shove the list at him, and he starts to read it.

"Drink poison (Ha ha, we'll just get drunk), scream at the drunken moon, get kicked out of a club for dancing on tables, never forget the color of each other's eyes, buy jackets, and make love until midnight." He finishes the list, and he starts to laugh.

"You're fucking adorable sometimes, I swear." He says, looking at his watch.

"Maybe we should do the last one, and only the last one." He says, winking at me. I laugh, and kiss his cheek.

"Nope. We have to do everything in order." I say. He bites his lip and I laugh.

"So, when are we going to drink the poison?" He asks.

"We should do it before we go in, then get kicked out of the club, then scream at the moon." I say. He nods, and we stare at each other a little bit before laughing.

"Want to watch something else?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders, and he beckons me. I laugh, and he pulls off my shirt, and I pull off my pants. We both jump on the bed, and Vic turns on Toy Story.


I yawn and open my eyes as the credits of Toy Story plays across the screen.

"You fell asleep too?" I ask as Vic shifts his position, looking at me.

"Yeah. You're kind of a kicker, and you moved a little bit." Vic says. I smile and kiss him, and I realize it's like, six o'clock.

"We should get up and do the list." I say. Vic nods, and I hear Mike laugh.

"You guys both snore." He says, and the rest of the band walks in. I sit, up, and Vic throws the cover over me.

"Ooh, is she naked?" Tony asks aloud. They all laugh, but Vic scowls. Vic gets out of bed and throws me my shirt and pants, and I wait for the boys to leave. They all stand there.

"Get out you horny motherfuckers!!" Vic yells. They all leave, and I see Tony's head pop up when I get from under the covers.

"TONY!!" Vic yells. He laughs, and I hurriedly get dressed.

"Don't be upset, Vic." I say, playfully swatting his arm.

"They can be really annoying sometimes." He says.

I laugh and I kiss him. He smiles and kisses me back.

"So, about that list." I say, as our kissing gets intense.

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