Chapter 32

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She was mine again. She was all mine again. The nurse gives me a dirty look as she checks Keyona's vitals, but I brush it off. When she leaves she gives me a cold look over the shoulder.

"I don't think she likes me." I say, laughing. Keyona smiles.

"I really want to kiss you, but that nurse is creepy." I say. She laughes, but I get up and kiss her anyway, not caring about anything at the moment.

She blushes, and I want her even more than I already do. I kiss her again, and she laughs.

"You're kissing me like there's no tomorrow, Vic." Keyona says sweetly, pulling away. I smile.

"I missed you, dear." I say. She smiles, and I lay off of her for about a minute. I scoot my chair up closer and hold her hand, and she kisses it.

"When are they going to let you out of here?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't know. Probably in two days, most likely." She says. I nod. I'll stay however many days she needs. I hear the door creak open, and the boys are back. I see Jaime wink at me, and Mike smiles. I even see Tony give me a weak smirk.

"I see you two are whole again." Mike says, smiling. Keyona smiles, then yawns. She's so sexy when she yawns.

"I can't wait until we get out of this damn hospital, so we can make love so hard, I'm gonna have scratches on my back." I whisper to Keyona.

She smacks my arm playfully, and I kiss her again, this time, the boys watching. I hear Tony or Jaime, I couldn't tell, cough loudly, and I pull away, both of us coming up for air.

"Vic, save that for when you guys go home and screw each other." Mike says, all of us laughing. I sit in my seat next to her, massaging her hand.

"I have a question to ask." Jaime says. We all give him our full attention, and he directs his attention to Tony.

"So, does this mean you're back, Tony?" Jaime asks. Everyone looks at Tony, and he smiles.

"What would I do without my Mexicans?" He says, and we all laugh.

So, the band was back

And so was Kic.

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