Chapter 17

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I wake up the next morning, my head hurting even more than it already does. Keyona filled my dreams again last night, and I get headaches every time.

"Mike!" I yell. I hear him rouse from his sleep, and he moans,

"What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Want?!"

"I need an Advil." I say. I hear him mumble something, but he hands me a glass of water and an Advil.

"Are you gonna drink today?" He asks me.

"Probably." I whisper.

"Why? Don't you get that that hurts Keyona?"

I sit up, looking at Mike.

"And how would that hurt her? She doesn't even have the fucking nerve to call me!"

"She feels guilty, if you would listen, because she feels it's her fault that you're drunk every night, and she talks to Tony about it. That's why she was texting him last night. Because she feels like shit, Vic." He says to me.

I try to clear my brain and think about this.

"Am I really making her feel bad?" I whisper. I see Mike nod, and I can't believe myself. I pick up my phone and call her.

"Hello?" She says, sniffling. Shit, what's wrong?

"Keyona, I'm sorry I'm being a dick head and drinking like this. I didn't mean for you to feel bad. I just can't handle being away from you, and drinking is my only way out." I say breathlessly.

It's silent for a minute, and then I hear her break down into tears.

"My m-mom. She thinks that you want to get into my pants, then leave me for all the other girls on tour!" She cries. I hear her sob, and I feel like shit all over again.

"Keyona, I don't just want you for sex, dear." I whisper. She cries some more, and I  keep holding onto the phone. If I were there, I'd hold her in my arms, and I'd tell her it was okay; tell her her mom was bullshitting, and that I loved her for her, not her body.

"Keyona, you there?" I whisper softly. I hear her sniffle, and she's still there.

"Vic, I love you." She whispers into the phone. I can't help it as a few tears slide down my cheek. I quickly wipe them away. This would be the first time she actually said it.

"I love you too, Keyona." I whisper my reply, and I hear her sniffle.

"Please don't drink." She whispers. I gulp.

"I'll try." I whisper.

"Please try hard, Vic. For me, for the band." She says. I bite back tears, because Mike said the same fucking thing.

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