Chapter Thirty

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I lasted thirty more minutes. Then I took my last breath. The next thing I knew I was watching as Dean noticed I had stilled, that the grip on his hand had lessened. I watched him shake me, I watched him scream. I watched Sam as he stood to the side, watching. I watched as Cas sat, frozen in place, tears falling down the Angels face. Dean yelled, screamed, and cursed. Sam's face quickly changed from sadness to anger. I watched as he stormed around, looking for something to hit, and I watched again as his face fell back to sadness.
"Depressing, isn't it?" A voice suddenly said from behind me. I turned around and saw a whisp of a man behind me. He had a pointed face, and while he looked stern he also looked caring, he was wearing a black suit and held a cane. "Sadly, there is nothing any of us can do." He sighed as he leaned forward on his cane, watching the scene. I watched him warily. Behind him stood a woman with curly brown hair, wearing a brown leather jacket and jeans. She was humming an eery tune that sent shivers down my spine.
"Your not Thantos." I deadpanned. He nodded.
"That I am not. I am Death." He nodded. I eyed him warily then nodded to the woman.
"Who's she?" I asked him. He glanced behind him.
"Her name is Billy, she's one of my most trusted reapers." He nodded to her. She nodded to me.
"Hey kid." She stated looking at me.
"Her task as of late has been to dissuade your brothers from bringing one another back from the dead." He stated. I raised an eyebrow.
"They've died?" I asked skeptically.
"More than their fare share." Death amended. "They always find away to bring one another back." He sighed.
"True story." Billy agreed. I looked back at the scene behind me, frowning.
"Will they be okay?" I asked watching them.
"Eventually, they will be. Your brothers are no stranger to loss. They'll adjust." He stated. He then extended a hand to me. "Are you ready?" He asked kindly. I eyed him and then smiled slightly.
"Yeah. Yeah I am." And I grabbed his hand as a bright white enveloped me.

Rae WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now