Chapter Four

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I had taken a pretty serious blow in Tartarus, and I had lost some of my earlier memory's. We slid into the backseat, me to the right, Percy in the middle and Annabeth to the right. I clutched the handle on the door frame with white knuckles, memory's flooding back, resulting in a pounding headache. I gritted my teeth trying to pull myself out of the memories.
"...okay?!" An eerily familiar voice called. A memory flashed through my minds eye, me on the ground crying holding my knee, a blonde haired boy knelt down in front of me.
"Are you okay Rae?" He asked worriedly.
"Rae!" Percy's voice suddenly screamed and I jerked into a sitting position.
"I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth. "Just drive."
The drive had been a couple of days long, and I could tell the two brothers where growing on us. We hadn't told them our full names, since we had all been federally wanted at some point or another, and they hadn't told us their full names, which was fair. However, the three of us where getting antsy, expecting a monster attack any moment. But we where only a couple miles away from Camp. And it turns out we where right to think so.
"OooooOooo Cheerleaders." Dean suddenly called watching the side of the rode. Sam crinkled his nose and punched his brothers arm. I chuckled and looked in the direction Dean was looking in and felt my stomach drop. There was the killer cheerleader herself. I slapped Percy's arm. He followed my line of sight and cursed silently. Annabeth looked and her face paled.
"Dean, drive." She commanded.
"Whatdya think I'm doing?" He asked sarcastically.
"Faster." Percy said. Dean rolled his eyes and looked ahead but suddenly screamed and slammed on the brakes and skidded into the ditch. We landed on the cars side. I looked out of the window. I looked up and saw the group of evil cheerleaders walking over to us, claws ready and fangs showing.
"Don't freak out guys, but I'm going to allow you to see through the mist so you don't call the cops on us." Percy said as he snapped his fingers. They suddenly jumped back from their place in their seats. I activated my celestial bronze hand gun and handed it to Dean.
"They come near you two, you shoot them with this. It'll kill 'em dead." I stated unbuckling. "At least it should. Might not." I added activating my shield and pulling my sword charm off my necklace and kicking the door open as Percy and Annabeth jumped out after me. We formed a triangle with me at the front since I was the oldest. Kelly sneered.
"I hate to see that you recovered Winchester." She snarled.
"Yeah well, Hell fire can do wonders for injuries." I sneered. "Besides, we both know it wasn't a fair fight."
"Well, this time it is. We'll see who's the real victor Winchester." She snarled. I spun my sword.
"Well then, let's begin shall we?" I stated. A smirk crept onto her face. Then we charged.
As most fights, this one was a flurry of claws, teeth, and swords. Kelly was putting up a fight, but she was no match. We swirled in a dangerous storm of celestial bronze and claws. She swiped at my face and made four long deep gashes down the side of my face from just under my right eye to the base of my neck. I said a little prayer, thankful her claws hadn't hit any major kill points. But that was the turning point of the fight. She was so caught up in her small victory that she didn't see my sword aimed at her gut. I stabbed it through her midsection and she dissolved into a puddle of golden dust. I then immediately engaged in a fight with another one.
By the end of the small battle blood completely coated the right side of my face and neck. Which I'm sure looked wonderful with my eyes. My orange shirt had blood on the right shoulder. We walked back over to the Impala and motioned for the brothers to get out.
"Winchester?" Dean demanded. I nodded.
"Yeah it's my last name. Monsters tend to either call you by your full first name or your last name." I snapped as blood steadily dripped off my chin and down my neck onto my orange shirt.
"Well, that's strange, because that's our last name to." He snapped. I threw my hands up.
"I don't know what you want me to say Dean! I'm sorry we share a very common last name?!" I snapped, even though I knew that it wasn't a common name. "Now, we need to get to camp. You two can come and repair your car there if you want." I stated watching them.
"We don't have much a choice do we?" Sam asked as he followed us.

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