Chapter Eighteen

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We inched through the building, Sam, Dean, and Cas brandishing Angel blades me the bow Artemis had given me in my left hand my quiver slung over my back. Cas had noted not long after we met that the bracelet was made out of the same metal as Angel blades where. Which, he affirmed could also kill my types of monsters. I had never been particularly good at archery, but since Artemis had given it to me I assumed one of her blessings was archery. I had an arrow knocked and I was moving slowly forward. Then we came to a crossroads in the hallways. Dean took the one on the left, Sam took the one directly in front of us and Cas and I took the one on the right. We walked quietly for a while until we heard voices coming from down the hall way. I motioned for Cas to stop and we crept forward slowly. We paused outside of a door and listened as they talked.
"You've caused a lot of problems for us." One voice growled.
"The boss wants us to deal with you slowly and painfully." Another voice spoke.
"We're gonna carve into you real slowly..." A different voice said. I' "And when your next to dead the boss has a new weapon he'd like to test."
"So Winchester, where should we start?" A different voice said. And that was all Cas and I needed. We had kicked the door open and where in the room. There where seven demons easy, and a man tied to a chair. I pulled the string back and sent the arrow flying into one of the demons eyes. He crumpled to the ground as I reached back for another arrow and I noticed the last arrow materializing in the quiver. I knocked another one as Cas started stabbing demons in hand to hand. I fired off three more arrows before one grabbed me from behind I screamed and saw Cas whip around and start over. I quickly grabbed and arrow out of my quiver and stabbed it through the demon holding me's skull. He fell to the ground as Cas got to me.
"Are you okay?" He demanded. The last demon was starting over to us and I quickly knocked an arrow and sent it flying through his skull over Cas's shoulder. I looked up at him into his blue eyes and felt my stomach twist into a knot.
"Yeah... yeah I'm fine." I mumbled not looking away from his eyes. We stayed like that for a moment before we heard Sam and Dean burst into the room and we jumped apart.
"Sam, Dean?" Cas asked confused.
"Yeah it's us. Who else?" Dean asked as he looked around. His eyes landed on the man and his eyes widened.
"Dad?" Sam asked suddenly. The man in the chair who had their back to us mad a grunting noise. Sam and Dean rushed forward and began to cut his bondings loose. As I watched I felt panic grow in my system. 'You don't come no where near me! You don't go no where near my boys! You got that?!' His words echoed in my mind, I saw the gun waving in my face like I did then.
"Are you okay?" Cas asked lowly. My walls flew back up and my expression turned to steel. I shook my head. John turned around and his expression turned to rage when he saw me.

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