Chapter Seventeen

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Cas was hot. Unfortunately, the first thing he did when he saw me was growl 'Abomination' and charge me with a silver knife. He moved so quick the first thing I thought was the last verse of the prophecy, and the next thing was 'not today.' I ducked his arm and kicked the back of his legs. I grabbed the arm that had the knife in it and twisted it behind his back, forcing him to let go and slammed him into a low table, his previously armed hand pinned behind him, and I brought up one knee and dug it into his his shoulder using the same foot to help keep his arm down. I pressed the blade to his neck smirking. I did all of that in a matter of seconds.
"I really don't want to kill you." I sighed. "Since your a friend of my brothers and all." Cas scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion, which I found adorable.
"She... Isn't trying to attack you?" Cas asked Sam and Dean. They shook their heads smiling slightly. Cas then looked back to me. "My apologies..." He stated blushing, which was equally adorable. I mentally berated myself. I released Cas and handed him back his knife.
"Just like that...?" He asked me confused. I nodded.
"Just like that. Honest mistake." I smiled. I then stuck out my hand. "Rae Winchester, daughter of Poseidon. Nice to meet you." He grabbed my hand an I felt like a bolt of electricity shot down my spine.
"Castiel, angle of the Lord." He introduced awkwardly a blush creeping onto his face. "It's also pleasing for me to make your acquaintance." I chuckled and let go of his hand then turned to Sam and Dean.
"He's cool." I chuckled. Cas nodded.
"I'm cool." He repeated causing Sam and Dean to laugh.

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