Chapter Three

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I whipped around pivoting slightly to place myself between Percy and Annabeth and the two men as we stood, a witty comeback prepared but as I looked at them my eye brows crinkled. I recognized the man with the dirty blonde hair... vaguely... so vaguely I couldn't even put my finger on the memory...
"Drop the gun." He demanded. I pushed the other two behind me and kept the gun aimed at them.
"Rae..." Percy and Annabeth murmured. I ignored them keeping them behind me. I knew what mortals could and would do if they where startled whilst armed. I held the gun up in my palm, removing my finger from the trigger in the classic 'don't shoot' gesture.
"Look, I can explain." No I can't "just, just drop the guns. If your going to hurt anyone hurt me, let them go." I pleaded. They slowly lowered their guns.
"Look kids, we aren't going to hurt anyone. Just tell us what you're doing in here." The one with sandy blonde hair said. Percy and Annabeth forced their way from behind me and stood at my sides.
"We're on the run from a group of people. We where hungry and tired and thought this place might have some food. We where about to leave to go to a safe place for us when you got home." Annabeth lied quickly. They nodded and put their guns up.
"We can give you a ride to where ever your going, if you want." The tallest one offered. I glanced at the others and they nodded.
"Seriously?" I asked warily.
"Seriously." The taller one nodded.
"If you're sure, then a ride would be great." I sighed looking at them. They nodded.
"Well then let's go. Just got home, but sure why not lets get gone again." The shorter one complained as we followed the two up the stairs. The taller one kicked the shorter one who continued grumbling. They pushed the door open and we all started over to a sleek black car. I stopped and winced, placing a hand to my forehead. I groaned slightly as a memory shoved its way foreword. A sleek black car parked at the end of a hill a scruffy man yelling at me, telling me to stay right where I was, that I was lucky he didn't kill me, that he should have just left me to die in the fire, that he shouldn't have gone back in after me,
"You don't come no where near me! You don't go no where near my boys! You got that?!" Him brandishing a gun to get his point across, me sobbing, him retreating to the car, wanting to cry out for... for some one named Dee, but thinking better of it. Months on my own running from monsters...
I was rocketed back to the present by Percy, who had a hand on my shoulder.
"You okay?" He asked in a concerned voice. I eyes the car wearily and nodded.
"Yeah... yeah let's go." I stated walking to catch up with everyone else.

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