thirty five-why worry

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"just tell me why do we worry? when worry's never helping tell me why worry at all?"
~Set it Off

Chapter Five

After Hunter had revealed to us his backstory, we had a lengthy, heartwarming, cheer up session. He had ended up crying after he finished explaining what had happened and kept repeating that we were free to leave him, to never speak to him again. We did no such thing and Lauren even smacked him for saying it.

"I don't know why your so thick." She glanced at me. "I mean well, it did take you like, what, half a year to figure out Katie had a thing for you." I shot her a look. "But you gotta get it through your goddamn, stupid ass head that your dad's death? It wasn't your fault."

Tom put an arm around him, "It's true, man. I can't imagine how painful it must've been to watch both your parents go like that but neither of their deaths were your fault." He said firmly. "You were so young, you wanted to protect your mum, your dad was sick. And that was the end result. Don't beat yourself up about it."

It wasn't that simple, just to tell him not to blame himself, to get over it. It was obviously a traumatic experience for him and it affected him deeply. But letting it all out to us has definitely helped him. He looked like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. I couldn't be happier. This was just the first step to recovery.

After group therapy had finished, and we had finished explaining all of our backstories to each other, Hunter finally took us to his house. I had been dying to know what his house looked like for ages and now I got to see. He said it was an apartment, average sized and nothing special but I felt giddy.

"Home sweet home." He muttered as he got his keys out and unlocked the door to an apartment, just one of many in that apartment block.

As he opened the door, I wasn't sure of what I was expecting but what I saw surprised me a little.

It was clean, neat and smelt like Hunter; soap and a hint of some deodorant. I had to fight the urge to inhale deeply. I loved the smell though, it made me feel safe

"You can have a look around, sit down, whatever. Just don't make too much of a mess." He told us.

I slapped his arm playfully, "Is Hunter the tough guy actually a neat freak?" I teased.

He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah joke all you want. It's better than that pigsty you call your bedroom." He replied.

"Oh feel the burn, Katie!" Lauren shouted from another room.

It was my turn to roll my eyes, "You're still a neat freak." I mumbled as I started looking around at his apartment.

It was bigger than I had anticipated. There were two rooms, Hunter's bedroom and a spare room where he kept a desk and instruments, amps, speakers. One bathroom and a kitchen and living room. It was a modern apartment and it looked expensive. He mentioned his aunt had bought this place so I guessed that she was either rich or she really loved Hunter.

I was taking a look at his room, taking a seat down on his bed, when he came in. "You like it?" He asked, sitting next to me.

"Yeah, it's a really nice apartment." I told him, smiling.

He nodded, "Yeah my uncle's an architect so he earns a lot." He said. So, rich it was.

"Well you're one very lucky boy." I said.

"It gets lonely by myself though." He said quietly. My dropped at his words. "Only sometimes though." He added.

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