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" you're out of line, buried yourself alive and expected to be fine. you can't rewind when you're choking on your own dirt begging for your life."

Chapter Seventeen- Fire

We all decided that an emergency meeting at my place should take place immediately so we did exactly that the second after our stalking.

Tom was sprawled out on my couch while Hunter was on the ground leaning against it. Lola and I sat ourselves on the ground in front of them. I also supplied them with diet cokes and chips.

"Guys, what if Georgia hurts her." Lola said nervously. "Maybe we should've gone in."

Hunter shook his head, "As much as I would've loved to do that, it would've been a stupid idea."

"We don't even know what's going for sure." I state. "We have to investigate further first."

"Then, we record it and show the principal?" Tom suggests. We all look at him, surprised that finally one of his schemes are logical.

"Yeah, we'll go with that plan." Lola pipes up. "Let's do it as soon as we can."

We all agreed. None of us wanted to imagine what would happen if we were too late. I didn't know what Georgia was capable of but she could go pretty low. I know from first hand experience.

Then, what Lauren said at my first group therapy session echoed through my head. She said she was bullied, violated. But I had never seen her with anyone apart from us, but I knew none of us would be capable of that, and... Georgia.

"Remember when Lauren said that she attends the therapy sessions because she's being bullied?" I said quietly. No one answered but I already knew that they had come to the same conclusion as me. But we still had no proof.

"We have to go through with this plan." Lola said, determination evident in her voice.

We sat there in silence for a while when Lola decided to speak up.

"So all of this chaos aside," She smiled at Tom and I. "How are you lovebirds doing?"

I just sat there, awkwardly shifting in my spot while my cheeks start to warm. Tom doesn't look too bothered but Hunter on the other hand sat there with his jaw clenched and a hard expression on his face. He must not like me going out with his best friend. But it wasn't like Tom and I were actually dating. Yet.

"Good." Tom answered at the same time I said 'I'm not sure'. Tom frowned, his eyebrows creasing together.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He asked. Uh oh. That obviously wasn't the answer he was expecting me to say.

"I mean, we're not even dating yet." I answered him lamely while biting my lip nervously.

"Well, I see this relationship is blossoming by the second." Hunter mused. I chose to ignore the subtle smirk he gave me.

Tom shot a glare at him, "Says the one who almost got her sent to the hospital." He snapped. I've never seen Tom pissed off. I mean, not like this. He was always so laid back. And Hunter was starting to look like he was ready to fight Tom at any second. God, I had to stop this.

"Maybe we should date." I blurted out suddenly without thinking. I know I had to stop it but that wasn't what I was going for. Yep, this is just fantastic. Someone please hit me over the head with a brick.

Hunter, Tom and Lola all stared at me with wide eyes and a bewildered look on their faces.

"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" Tom asked, a smile etching its way onto his face. Oh no, no, no couldn't back out now. It would kill Tom. I had to go through with this.

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