two-starving for friends

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"drown me in the rain and i'll be there for you because you were the only saving grace i ever had."

Chapter Two-Starving For Friends

The minute I joined my friends at their usual booth, they bombarded me with questions.

"What did you get up to?" Kiera asked, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.

Liela whistled, "You finally had sex last night with Mike didn't you? You dirty girl!"

The rest of them just laughed their heads off. I just sat there with a tight smile while wishing that they literally laughed their heads off.

"Girls, leave her alone." Georgia told them and I was about to feel grateful when she continued, "I'm sure she wants to keep her sex life to herself." And they were off again, clinging onto each other while laughing. I forced myself to laugh along too, remembering my rule.

The sad thing was, it wasn't really a fake laugh anymore. I'm not saying that it was a real laugh. It was just that I've forced myself to laugh and smile at everything people said that I could do it effortlessly even when it's not funny at all. The only downside was that I couldn't do either of them properly anymore. That didn't bother me though because no one said anything funny anyway nor did I have many reasons to genuinely smile about.

"Your laugh is so annoying, Katie." Taylor said shooting a hostile glare my way. "And you laugh all the fucking time. It's weird, like, do you just laugh at anything like a dumb bitch?"

Her words were hurtful and I could feel the tears prick my eyes but I dug my fingernails into my palms and laughed again, "I can't help it." I said lamely to which Taylor just rolled her eyes.

Taylor had always hated me from the beginning. At first, it was because Georgia suddenly started hanging out with me more than her, and I think she saw that as her replacing her with me, then I started dating Mike. I never knew she liked him but Georgia told me that she asked him out before and got rejected but never got over him. I guess I could understand why she hated me but she could never really do anything about because Georgia liked me and she wouldn't let her kick me out of the group.

Georgia was the queen bee of the group. Everyone adored her and went along with everything she did or said. There was such an air of authority and intimidation around her that no one dared to disobey her. She was closest to Taylor before I came along and they were almost joined at the hip and looked as if they could pass as sisters. This made Taylor second in command and was almost as powerful as Georgia.

Georgia and Taylor were both the stereotypical 'popular, mean girl'. They were ruthless when it came to degrading and looking down on people, and both possibly the most judgemental human beings on the face of this earth. Oh and of course they have perfect blond hair with perfect toned bodies and their families are loaded. These girls have the perfect life and, boy, do they know it.

Kiera was the player and the flirt of the group. Although Georgia is considered the prettiest, she is surprisingly against dating and boys. Kiera on the other hand flirted with everyone, just because she could, and had gone out with all the attractive boys in our year and up at least once or twice. She also hated it when you got more attention from the guys than her and it usually ended with her stealing your man.

Liela was the manipulative and controlling one. She looked sweet and innocent but, oh boy, does she fool you good. Once you get to know her, she acts like your best friend until she pulls out your your darkest secrets from you. That's when the ugly side of her comes out and she blackmails into doing her dirty work. She used your secrets so she could have control over you. Luckily for me, Georgia had warned me about her so she didn't know any of mine. And mine were the worst out of them all.

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