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"give me therapy, i'm a walking travesty and i'm smiling at everything."
~All Time Low

Chapter Three-Therapy

  Holy mother of god, I was in a group therapy session with Hunter Ray. Also known as the asshole who insulted me and made me lose control of my façade.

  He was also the person whom I had insulted back. The words I had said echoed in the back of my mind- 'at least I'm not some emo loner like you!'. It was like the world wanted my guilty conscience to eat me alive. No wonder he looked at me with such distaste, I would too.

  Wait, what was he looking at? His eyes were now not on me but trained on something a little lower. I looked down and realised I'm absolute horror that I was wearing a band shirt. Oh fuckity fuck. Really, Katie? You chose this day out of all days to screw up?

  I wasted no time scrambling to put my hoodie over my head. Thank the lord I brought it with me or god knows what I would've done. I would probably have had to murder Hunter and take his hoodie. Kill two birds with one stone, I laughed evilly inside my head.

  "Since Katie is new, why don't we all sit in a circle and introduce ourselves?" Ross suggested, not noticing the sudden tension in the room. Everyone muttered an agreement. Or disagreement, you couldn't tell for shit.

  It wasn't a very big group so I assumed it wouldn't take me much time to remember them all which was good since I wasn't too good with faces.

  We were all instructed to arrange ourselves in a circle, which unsurprisingly turned out to be very sloppy, and the person sitting to the left of Ross had to go first. And not to mention, fate decided to fuck with me and put me next to Hunter. Oh joy.

  Ross gestured for the first boy to speak. He looked like a vampire with his pale skin and dark circles under his eyes. His body was drowning in oversized clothing. He also looked eerily familiar.

  "Hi my name is Tom. Although everyone here knows that already." The boy said monotonously.

  Tom... Oh holy shit, Tom Wilkinson from my English class! That now makes two people from my school here. This was bad, this was very bad. It was bound to get out that I was at the group therapy session and what would Georgia do then? Taylor would jump at any opportunity to ruin my life so that one was a no brainer.

  Ross gave him a playful nudge, "Now, now. Why don't you tell us why you're here?"

  Tom sent him a glare, "You already know." He snapped. Ross looked a little troubled, the grin on his face slightly faltering.

  "Tom, would you like to tell just Katie why you are here then? Because she doesn't know and I think it'll be great for you guys to share your troubles." Ross said with an upbeat token. Tom heaved a huge sigh as if this was what he had to deal with often.

  "I am here, at this stupid group, because my doctor thinks I have an eating issue." He said nonchalantly. He glanced at me, seeing how I took this information. I just nodded, trying to form an interested expression. Even Ross and I knew that this was not a time to smile.

  The boy, Tom, continued, "Also I'm like, doped up on drugs. I'm seeing two of you." He let out a laugh as he looked at me dreamily. Let's add 'drug addict' on the list of reason you're here, shall we Tommy?

  "He means pescribed drugs by a doctor." Ross reassured me. Well that put my mind at ease knowing that he overdosed on Panadol, how nutritious. Thank you Ross.

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