nineteen-true friends

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"it's funny how things work out. such a bitter irony, like a kick right to the teeth."
~Bring Me The Horizon

Chapter Nineteen- True Friends

After we got Lauren out of the room, we tried to take her downstairs to ask her if she was alright but she snatched her arm out of Hunter's grip. She shot us a nasty glare as she stormed off shouting at us to not follow her.

Hunter sighed, "At least she's okay."

While Lola decided to go home, the rest of us decided to stay and enjoy the party for a while longer. Tom and I had a few dances and we had a game of pool but after I went to get a few drinks, he was nowhere to be seen. I started looking for him since I really wanted to go home and I was feeling a bit sick.

"Hey Katie. You alright?" I turned around to see Hunter with a concerned expression on his face.

I shook my head, "I feel sick. Can you take me home?" I asked him. I think I was a bit drunk since I forgot that he couldn't drive.

Hunter studied my face for a moment before nodding, "Of course. Come with me." He said as he offered me his arm to cling onto because I would've fallen on my face if I didn't have support.

Once we got out onto the sidewalk, he handed me his jacket which I didn't know he was carrying. It was leather and warm and smelt just like Hunter. A mixture of soap with a hint of cologne. I took a deep breath and inhaled the sweet scent.

I glanced at Hunter and realised that he was talking to someone while holding tightly onto me. A few minutes later, a taxi arrived and he helped me climb in. I couldn't remember the events that occurred after since I must've fallen asleep but when I woke up, I found myself lying on my bed. I checked my phone and saw that it was still four in the morning.

I had to get my bearings first since I had a mild hangover and I was still a bit dizzy. After I had composed myself, I got up out of bed. I looked in the mirror and noticed that I was still wearing Hunter's jacket from last night. I smiled as his scent hit my nose but I fought the urge to bury my nose in it. That would be creepy.

I had a shower and changed into my normal clothes and before I went back to sleep, I saw a note on my bedside table.

Hope your hangover isn't too bad and at least you didn't puke this time.

H x


It was a Saturday and Saturdays meant group therapy. But I had a feeling it wasn't going to go well. Judging by the 40 missed calls from Tom and Lola from last night, I was in big trouble. I forgot that I didn't mention anything to them. But it wasn't my fault that I couldn't find Tom.

I shovelled food down my throat unattractively, took a few headache pills and ran out the door since the last text I had received from Tom was him telling me to get there early so we could talk. That did not sound good but I had to face him one day. And that day just happened to be today. Wonderful.

I caught the bus to the hospital and got ready for some serious questions. I also couldn't help but wonder if Lauren was going to be there or not. I really hoped she was since I wanted to make sure she was alright.

As I walked to the group therapy room, I saw that everyone was already in there, even Lauren. The only person that wasn't there was Ross since we were half an hour early.

The room was silent and no one was even looking at each other much less talking. A knot formed inside my stomach and I wanted to run as far away as I could but I couldn't. I took a deep breath and walked in. Four pairs of eyes snapped up to meet mine but then looked away as if they never even looked at me in the first place. This didn't look very good.

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