twenty one-lonely girl

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"you got a lot of nerve and looks like the table's turning and now you're wishing me well like you miss me. you got a dirty tongue and looks like the damage done is forever and it's a long time to miss me."
~Tonight Alive

Chapter Twenty One- Lonely Girl

(A/n: I have little to no knowledge of court cases and consequences that people receive for such behaviour so I apologise in advance if any information was incorrect or unrealistic:\)

Today was the day that Lauren had to speak in court. We had all got permission from the principal to take a day off from school so we could be there for her. And trust me when I say that she really needed the support.

Lauren breathed deeply from her nose making a loud noise, "I can't-I can't do this." She said, her voice shaking. "I can't go in there and face everyone. Face her."

Her lawyer had informed Lauren and her family before that Georgia would be present inside court while the case took place. That seemed to make Lauren even more on edge than she was before and now she seemed like she was hopped up on energy drinks and coffee. She was starting to visibly sweat, her whole body was shaking and her usual carefree, confident attitude had dissapeared into thin air.

Tom slung an arm around her shoulder, "Since when was Lauren, the tough one of our group, unable to do things?" He asked. We were all seated in the 'waiting area' as Lauren's lawyer had told us.

"Since now." She mumbled even though Tom probably meant it as a rhetorical question.

"Look, the only advice I can give is to not let your feelings get in the way." Hunter spoke up." I know that's going to be hard but all the judges need the truth. They'll sort it all out from there."

Lauren seemed to let his words sink in for a moment. Everything he said was pretty on point. She needed to tell them the truth then her part will be over. I just wished it was easier said than done. For her. For us, it would be a piece of cake because we all shared a hatred for Georgia and would jump at a chance to get back at her but it was a totally different situation for Lauren. Even after all this time, she still had genuine feelings for that horrible person. And that made me feel sorry for her and believe more in the fact that love was simply an illusion.

Lauren finally nodded, "Okay. You're right. I'm going to go in there and answer every question that they throw at me as truthfully as I can." She told us determinedly. We all smiled because we knew that the old Lauren was finally back.

We had played a few rounds of truth or dare, because Tom felt like it, before Lauren's parents and their lawyer came up to us.

"Lauren, are you ready to go in sweetheart?" Her dad asked her kindly.

She smiled, "Yeah dad." She replied and took the hand that her dad was holding out for her. She turned to us and gave us a small smile before walking off. I pretended not to feel the pang of jealously at her relationship with her father. And I pretended not to feel like I missed him.

Instead, I prayed that all went well with Lauren in there.


A few hours later, Lauren came out and ran straight over to us.

"Guys." She said, out of breath. We all stood up and closed the distance between us, eager to know what happened.

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