thirty-be my escape

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"I got to get out of here and I'm begging you to be my escape."
~Relient K

Chapter Thirty

It was our last and final day at the Gold Coast and I was more than ready to go back home. As much as I loved spending time with my friends, I missed my mum and my own bed.

I hated to admit it but after what happens in the Ferris wheel the night before with Hunter, I felt this sudden awkwardness when I was around him. I never assumed he liked me that way and now that he had literally told me he did... Well it was awkward. But everyone still acted the same so I did the same. Not that we had told anyone about what had happened yet.

On the flight back, Tom and I sat together talking about anything that came to mind. I never really thought about it but I felt as if Tom was closest to me out of everyone in our group. Even after the drama that happened after we dated and broke up, we were still extremely comfortable around each other and I could talk to him about anything. So I decided to tell him about what happened with Hunter and I.

"Whoa, that's good news." Tom said with a grin. "So you guys finally sorted your feelings out and admitted to each other that you're in lurrve."

I smacked his arm, "We're not." I told him. "But I am really happy he feels the same. More or less."

"Trust me, if you like him 10 out of 10 then he likes you 20." Tom said with a smirk.

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I can't tell if you're telling the truth or not."

He shrugged, "Up to you to trust me or not, sweetheart." He said with a wink.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Hate you."

"You love me, really."


Once we touched down at Sydney airport, we all went out different ways home. Lauren's parents came to pick her and Hunter up (since they lived near each other) first leaving Tom, Lola and I. A good five minutes passed before Tom's mum came to pick the three of us.

"Hello, dears!" She greeted us with such warmth. I was actually a nervous wreck, scared of how she would react when she saw me. I hadn't seen her since Tom and I broke up and, even though he was totally over it now, I was afraid that she hated me for hurting her son.

Pam turned around from the driver's seat to face me. For a split second, I froze on the spot terrified of the woman in front of me and what she was about to say or do. But she gave me a warm smile and my heart began beating normally again.

"Nice to see you again, Katie." She said to me. "How have you been?"

"I-I've been good, thank you for asking." I sputtered out, palms sweaty.

She laughed, "Oh sweetie, don't be afraid of me. I know you and Tom ended on reasonably good terms." She said. She turned around to wink at me, reminding just how alike she and Tom were. "Plus, I know you're a good kid."

I finally calmed down and breathed a small sigh of relief and let out a laugh. "It's nice to see you again too, Pam."

The rest of the ride was lively as Pam and I argued with Tom about how the Harry Potter books were better than the movies. I noticed that Lola was extremely quiet thoughout the ride and kept fiddling with her hands. I asked her if everything was alright just to make sure but she just smiled and told me she was tired. I understood though. We all were.

Saving Him • editing/rewritingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora