nine-fire and the flood

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"everything is fine when your hand's resting next to mine, you're the fire in the flood. since we met i feel a lightness in my step, you're miles away but I still feel you."
~Vance Joy

Chapter Nine- Fire and the Flood

A week had safely gone past since the breakup chaos. Turns out the school was only interested in me and Mike for about a week and after that we were old news. Everyone was talking non stop about Georgia's new 'secret boyfriend'.

"Have you heard what everyone's going ape shit about?" Tom asked us as he plopped down into his usual seat at our table.

I rolled my eyes, "So she's got a boyfriend that no one knows about. Big whoop." I said. But I notice Lauren visibly stiffen at my words. I wonder if Georgia has done anything to her. If she has I will shave her stupid, perfectly done eyebrows off and feed it to her. I made sure to ask Lauren later.

"Why is it a secret though?" Tom asked. "I mean wouldn't she wanna spread it to the whole school? I swear that bitch can't keep her mouth shut for more than five seconds."

"I ought to shove her fucking designer hand bag down her throat." Hunter muttered.

I have him a look, "Tone down the bitchy or you might just end up in their group." I warned. He smirked which made my heart flutter. Why? I pushed that thought away. I didn't have time to think about it right now as the bell for class. I had maths with Hunter.

"You coming?" He asked me.

"Uh, it is my class too after all." I smile and skip ahead of him making him jog after me.

"Wait up Katie. For god's sake slow down a little." He said. I then felt his hand grab mine which made my heart almost jump right out of my chest. I let out a small yelp.

Hunter gave me a funny look, "You alright?" He asked, still holding my hand. I was torn between intertwining my fingers with his and snatching it away quickly, because I swear I was close to having heart failure.

"I-I-I'm fine, perfectly fine. I just-I just feel a bit jumpy today." I stuttered. Cold sweat was starting to form on my forehead.

Hunter finally let go of my hand, "Whatever, weirdo. Let's get to class because Mr Gates gives us detention." He said, walking ahead of me. I nodded my head even though I knew he couldn't see me. What was going on with me today? Why was I acting so weird around Hunter? God, it was annoying.

Thankfully we got to class on time despite the drama, on my side only, and our horrible old maths teacher, who had sweat patches under his arms all the time, did not give us detention. So Hunter and I met up with the rest of our group to go grab a bite.

I got Lauren alone as we walked a few metres ahead of the group, "Hey, are you okay? You seemed a little off today and I was just wondering if anything happened?" I asked what had been on my mind all day. Well, until the whole goddamn Hunter incident which I still had to figure out.

She once again stiffened but turned to me with a tight smile, "Yeah, I'm totally fine. I just felt tired that's all." She replied. "Thanks for checking up on me though."

I decided to let it go for the time being but there was obviously something that was bothering her. I just knew that she wouldn't tell me if I pushed her right now. She would come to us if she really needed help or needed to talk. I trusted her to trust in us.

"So how's the whole breakup thug going for you?" I heard Lauren ask which snapped me out of my thoughts.

I shrugged, "I guess I was guilty at first but, hey, high school relationships never last and Mike and I weren't meant to be anyway." I reply cheerfully.

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