thirty two-free now

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"I am free now, free to live without my fears. I believe now, there's a reason why I'm here."
~Sleeping with Sirens

Chapter Thirty Two

I felt my breathing quicken as I clung to Tom for dear life. I truly thought my knees would give out and I would faint.

"Katie, go to the kitchen." Tom said calmly as his eyes never left my dad's. I tried to protest but I couldn't form any words. "Katie, now." Tom told me more sternly.

I let go of Tom as I scrambled away from my psychotic father into the safety of the kitchen where Pam was.

She faced me with a kind smile, "Who was- oh! Lord, you look pale dear. Are you alright?"

I shook my head and swallowed the anxiety that had formed in my throat, "M-My dad's here. He's here and Tom's with him and I don't know what to do." I blurted out, tears starting to stream down my face.

Her eyes widened a fraction but she maintained her composure, "Shh, it's alright Katie. You take this," She shoved a mobile phone into my hands. "And go upstairs to call the police. Alright?"

I stared at her in shock. Police?! The danger of the situation we were in finally settled in my mind and I began to panic. I was scared out of my mind.

"O-Okay." I choked out, my voice shaking horribly. With that, Pam ushered me upstairs as quietly as she could and rushed over back to the front door.

I closed the door to Tom's door after me as my shaky hands dialled the police. As I placed the phone up to my ear and listened to the dial tone, I felt an overwhelming sense of uncertainty. Sure, my dad was a horrible man that tried to kill my best friend, my half sister, but he was my dad. As I closed my eyes, I tried to remember all the good times my dad and I had together. There weren't any.

"You have dialled emergency triple zero, your call is being connected. Please wait" I heard a pre-recorded voice of a female say.

You were a mistake.

His voice still haunted me in my dreams.

"This is Dave speaking. What service do you require today?"

I tried to speak, "I-I..."

"Hello ma'am, are you there?" I heard Dave ask. I had to pull myself together and hurry. God knows what was happening downstairs.

"I need the police." I answered. I felt the dizziness engulf me for a second as I took a seat on Tom's bed, clutching at the bed post.

"What state or town are you calling from?" He asked.

I heard raised voices coming from downstairs. Oh no, oh no, oh no. "Sydney. Please hurry." I almost cried into the speaker.

"Please don't worry, your call is now being forwarded to the police."

That was the last time I heard Dave's voice as I was greeted by another female voice. Except this time, not pre-recorded.

"Hello what is your emergency?"

Oh god, what was my emergency?

"Um, I-My father is downstairs with my friend and his mum and he has a history of abusing my step sister and her family and-and he's trying to take me away and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do and I'm really scare dog what he's going to do to us." I explain as quickly I can, trying not to sound confusing. Tears were now freely pouring down my face as I dug my fingernails into my palms trying to rid myself of the anxiety.

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