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"Okay, one more push I reckon," the doctor half laughs while I try to smile at Ali, her face red and cheeks puffed from exhaustion.

"Holy crap!" she shouts and I close my eyes, not wanting to see something that she wouldn't want me to see, how could she still be so insecure? She's gorgeous, even if she's in the middle of giving birth. a high-pitched wail causes me to open one eye and I see a tiny baby in the doctors arms.

"It's a girl," she smiles and I rush over to Ali, her head rested against the pillow.

"Baby did ya hear that?!" I say excitedly," we have a baby girl! you did it! I'm so proud of you!" I peck her lips quickly as the doctor walks over, our precious baby girl in her arms.

"Would you like a hold? congrats mum, you did really well," Ali laughs at her as she outstretched her arms, holding her. Right infront of my eyes, those two girls were my world. After 9 months of morning sickness, cravings and hormones Alison had managed to give me the most wonderful thing ever.

"I'm taking a picture," I grab out my phone but Ali covers her face. "Babe, seriously?" I joke.

"No one sees this alright?" she must be too exhausted to argue so I nod, smiling as I take the photo. "what should we call her?"

"Hm," I ponder for a minute, it couldn't be just any name. Sure, Ali and I had picked names but nothing was pretty enough for my princess.

"I really like Lexi," Ali says and I can't help my face from lighting up.

"Perfect," I mutter, and Alison smiles up at me.

"Time for daddy to get a hold." I begin to freak out, what if she didn't like me? What if I dropped her? "Zayn!"

"Okay," my voice breaks as she slips her into my arms, Lexi's fists curled up, her eyes wide.

"Hello my gorgeous girl, hey princess," I whisper as Ali closes her eyes for a while, leaving me alone with Lexi. "you have my eyes but you're so gorgeous, like mummy. You're going to be a little heartbreaker aren't you? but no boys until you're 28, they're dangerous. I mean you should've seen your mum and I, we were the strangest couple ever, you should've seen us holding hands, people stared at us all the time. It's cause mummy's so beautiful and well, I'm me. Anyways, you'll love your room. It took me forever to decorate, and although mummy likes to think she helped, it was all me. You were kicking away in her stomach and I told her to rest. It's cream, cause we didn't know what you were gonna be, it was a surprise. I promise I'll paint it pink if you want it pink, but blues cool too if you like blue. You're gonna be daddy's little girl okay? please don't hate me, I'm gonna be looking after you till you're 18, even after that. Even if you get a little brother or sister, you'll always be daddy's little girl. When you're embarrassed to be around me or when you want to hold my hand, I'll be there for you whenever you need me, I'm not going anywhere okay?" Lexi stares at me the whole time and I love the baby grow the doctor put on her, it was the first one Ali and I bought.

"You want me to tell you a story Lexi? Of how mummy and daddy met? I hope you'll ask me this all the time when you're older because I love this story. You're mummy's best friend, Lily, who will probably be here soon with her fiancée Liam, who is my bestfriend, well we all lived together in a flat. Lily decided she would beg mummy to come over but I didn't like the idea, I liked the peace and quiet of just the three of us but Lily told me I'd love her. Mummy came over and I swear she was the most beautiful person I've ever seen, but I was nervous. Lexi I never get nervous. You have all this ahead of you princess but anyways, we started dating. Three years later I proposed, I took her to Ireland and proposed to her right infront of everyone. I would've cried if she had've said no. Anyways, a year later I found out mummy was pregnant with you and at the start I was a little scared. I'd have a baby to look after. I argued with mum a little at the start but when her belly started growing I couldn't help but want you in my arms already. And here you are, looking pretty and sweet. I promise that if you cry I'll feed you and change your nappies but promise me you won't get me all worried half the time? I don't think you can promise that, I think it's a parent thing so don't worry about that one.." I trail off at the sound Lily's voice booming from the hallway and as she walks in I gesture to Ali sleeping in the bed.

"Mate she's absolutely gorgeous," Liam smiles, holding Lexi stiffly in his arms.

"Relax Liam, you'll have this soon," I wink at him, eyes falling on Lily's huge bump. Trust the girls to get pregnant around the same time, they probably planned it and everything.

"She's a mixture of both you, aren't you lexi?" Lily coos, sitting in the seat I've just offered her," how did Ali cope?"

"Ask her that," I laugh looking at Ali's red face. A cry from Lexi and Liam's pained face distracts me and I take her off him, giving him a reassuring smile. "Can you get a photo of me and her?" I ask shyly.

"Of course Zayn!" Lily grabs my phone and endures the flash is off. "that is the cutest! look at Ali and Lexi! You are such a beautiful family!" she whines and I laugh, Alison waking up and smiling at me. I have the most perfect faily ever, I had to be the luckiest man alive. 

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