Chapter 12

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I shuffled uncomfortably on the sofa as Zayn, Liam and Lily all sat down. Zayn sat behind me and I glared at him for tempting me but he stared ahead, his face straight. Ever since he found that sketch of Katy he had been on edge and rather than suck up to him I had made it a point to stay out of his way.

"I'm going for a smoke," he said as the movie began and I heard Lily sigh.

"Mate really?" Liam asked, concerned.

"Yes Liam, really," he spat before grabbing a hoodie and slamming the flat door. I was stunned at Zayn's remark but Liam seemed unamused by it and continued the movie. Zayn had chose a chick flick and I smiled at how he had assumed this was my type of movie. Lily and Liam cuddled into each other and I felt a pang of jealously at their relationship. Would me and Zayn be like that after we annoounce our relationship? Our will we continue the way we are now, barely acting like we're friends in the school hallways. I shake the thought from my head as Zayn enters the room, slipping in behind me. As it is dark he comes closer and I feel his cold hands as they try to wrap around my stomach.

"Ali," he sighs with frustration as I don't let him but he stays close to me, playing with my hair. Lily and I laugh at the typical American girls in the movie but Zayn fidgets behind me and it begins to get on my nerves.

"Stay still!" I hiss at him and he presses a kiss against my forehead as I turn around. I can't help but smile and automatically I feel myself relaxing.

"I'm really sorry," he whispers and Liam turns around scolding him, telling him if he hears him talk once more he's kicking him out. Zayn replies with it was his idea but Liam just rolls his eyes and cuddles into Lily, making my heart ache. After the movie is over I can feel myself falling asleep and the effort to move is too surreal.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" I laugh tiredly but Zayn swoops me into his arms like a baby and I squeal. "put me down!!" I shout but he shakes his head and carries me to bed, shutting the door with his foot.

"Want my hoodie and shorts?" He asks and I frown, confused at what he means by shorts. As soon as he pulls out clean boxers from his drawer I smile at how cute he was.

"We sleeping in here tonight?" I ask and he nods, turning around as I change. Although I know he won't peep, I change incredibly fast and settle down under the duvet, rubbing my feet together in an attempt to warm them. Zayn must see my fast feet movements and he stares confusedly at me. once I tell them he grabs both my feet with his hands and rubs them, the warmth overwhelming.

"You're freezing!" he groans and he continues to warm my feet until they heat up. I nod my head and rest it on his chest, the beat of his heart helping me to fall asleep.


"Ali sweetheart," my dads voice was more of a growl but what distracted me most of all was the sharp bottle in his hands.

"Dad please," I smile at him politely,"would you like me to clean up the glass?" He ignored my request, violently throwing me against the wall, hurting my neck.

"You little bitch! I never wanted another child but of course that stupid whore got pregnant and here you are. ugly, filthy slut!" he screams in my face. He grabs my arms and holds them above my head as he drags the glass across my swarthy skin, breaking it. I watch the blood trickle down to my elbow and the smile on my fathers face is wicked, evil.

"No!" I scream.

"Ali!" Zayn shakes me lightly and I wake up to reality. I have broke out into a cold sweat and I'm shaking violently as Zayn runs his hand through my hair and whispers how beautiful I am in my ear. I try to speak but nothing comes out so I sob into his tshirt as he hushes me.

"I'm sorry," I finally manage," I don't mean to wake you."

"Ali it's fine, I'm glad you're okay," he kisses my nose and I feel my heart warm.

"Zayn?" I ask.


"Can you sing me a song?"

"Of course baby," he says and we lie down. "Settle down with me, cuddle me up, cuddle me in. lie down with me and hold me, in your arms. Your hearts against my chest, lips pressed in my neck, I'm falling for your eyes but they don't know me yet and with this feeling I'll in love now," his voice is sweet and patient, hitting the notes perfectly.

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