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The funeral was a hard site to see people hung there heads low inside the church I was sitting next to Cole and Nia, Nia was comforting Amari who had a blank face. The little casket that held such a big part of people's lives. "I'll miss you Ava with all my heart and I love you this much" I prayed. I imagined her extending her arms as far as she could to show how much she loved me. Amari was quiet the whole funeral no tears, no expression. For the first time I didn't know how she was feeling just by looking into her eyes, until she had to give the eulogy.

"Bubbly, Energetic, Caring, Loved, Happy, Innocent, and a obsession with Beyoncé thanks to me" These are the words I use to describe my little sister. I remember the day she was born perfectly it's forever implanted in my brain, she was given life and my dad's life was taken away and for sometime my 13 year old self resented Ava for being born and my dad dying. But then I realized how much she acted like my dad." Amari started to whimper. "Ava was su-ch a special girl I loved her more than life it's self. And what I have the hardest time with is realizing she's not coming back if I wish and pray she'll never come back to the fun loving eight year old girl she was" Amari sniffled, she was trying not to cry she was trying to be strong. She looked to me

"It's okay to cry" I mouthed to her.

"I'll never get to have the "your body is changing" talk with her, I'll never get to comfort her through her first heart break, I'll never get to see the boy who asks her to prom, who will propose to her on Christmas Eve that's how Ava wanted to be proposed to because she told me she thought I wasn't listening but she told me, I'll never get to see her beautiful face. Ava told me she wanted to be like me when she grew up and I thought what in the world possessed you to want to be like me? She said, and I swear this is true "Amari you're strong and I want to have a Justin and Amari" I didn't know what to say when she said this all I know is I made an impression so much that she wanted to be like me. I didn't know I could do that" Tears gently rolled down Amari's cheeks. She turned to Ava's casket.

"Ava I'll miss you everyday and you'll always be in my heart, if I could switch places with you I would " Amari started to sob now. I got up to guide her back to her seat but she stopped me and composed herself.

" You can always have another drink but you can't get another chance at life so Please don't drink and drive" she said wiping her tears. I took her hand and took her to her seat.

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There will be another time jump and you guys will love it I promise ❤️


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