He places his hand on my stomach and smiles. Then Lilly turns her head towards Liam who was sitting quietly a few feet back.

"Uh?" She says confused.

Ethan turns around and faces Liam.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I could hear the insecurity in his voice.

"He got me out of the building." I quickly jump in. "He got hurt in the process but we're okay and Bethany's okay because of him."

I was trying so hard to make this less uncomfortable than it already was.

"Oh, how noble of you." Ethan says sarcastically.

"I should get going." Liam says uncomfortably.

I shoot him an apologetic look and he nods before leaving.

Ethan turns back towards me.

"How bad is it?" I ask them nervously.

"Eleven dead and seventeen injured." Lilly says looking down at the ground.

My stomach churns.

"Did they catch him?"

"Yes. He was shot on sight. Daniel Edwards was the shooter." Ethan explains.

"I'm still in shock." I say.

We sit in silence for awhile.


After a few hours Lilly and Ethan end up leaving. I was told I had to stay overnight just to be cautious. It was around 9:45 pm and I was flipping through various different channels on the television.

After getting annoyed with the awful cable the hospital offered, I decided to settle on the discovery channel.

"May I come in?" I hear Liam's ask.

I turn to find him in my doorway.

"You're still here?" I ask confused.

"They wanted to keep me overnight for observation." He explains.

I nod. "Uh, yeah, sure, come on in." I say a little unsettled.

He rolls over to me and gets settled in a spot next to my bed. We sit there in silence for awhile watching tv. My nerves end up getting the best of me after a few moments and I speak.

"You were just being polite earlier correct?" I ask.

He turns his head towards me and furrows his thick brows together.

"Pardon me?" He asks.

"When you called me beautiful, you were just giving a compliment, it was nothing else correct?"

He smiles. "If that's what you want it to be." He says quickly and continues watching tv.

I sit there, even more confused than I was previously.

Another moment passes and I speak again.

"What exactly does that mean?"

He turns towards me again.

"Megan, if you want it to be a compliment, then it is a compliment, but that is not what I intended it to be when I said it."

My heart races.

"You do know I'm dating Ethan right?" I ask.

He nods.

"You do know I'm pregnant right?"

He chuckles. "Indeed I do."

"And that doesn't scare you?" I couldn't possibly have been more confused than I was at this moment.

"I know you are taken and I know that you are barring a child, that doesn't change the feelings I have felt for you since the day I first saw you. It is completely out of line and I have no business feeling the way I do about you, but I like you. I am very interested in how you act at times. You are quite shy and closed up, but I would like to know more about you. I would like to get to know the real you and I would very much like to kiss you. I have wanted to since the beginning but I will not. That would be extremely unintelligent, just know that everyday I see you, I can not stop thinking about kissing you."

I stay there speechless.

"You have a goodnight Megan." Liam says softly before leaving.

So that happened..

What do you think about Liam now?

What are you hoping will happen?

Liam or Ethan?

Side note, I just found out that if my mom has a boy, his name will be Liam James. I think it's adorable.

Don't forget to comment and vote. I love you guys so much!

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