Chapter 34 - I am not confusing my baby.

Start from the beginning

"Ryan, My baby isn't a member of the Adam's family, You can't call her/him 'it'." I scoffed.

Alice, I've always wanted to be a young dad....Maybe not this young, but I don't care. I'll turn 17 before the baby is born, So It's cool. You need help. Let me help you." He pleaded. I bit my lip thinking. He obviously understood that I was actually CONSIDERING this, so he went on. "Please, I want this baby....More than anything."

I looked around at every ones faced. Everyone was nodding in agreement. EVEN Pattie. What is wrong with the world?

"Thank You." I murmured. He grinned.

"Does this mean I'm Yo' baby Daddy?" He asked. I nodded.

He jumped up and started dancing. Maybe this is the right thing to do. Once Justin sat back down, I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep.

Catlyn's P.O.V

I swear to god, That boy loves her. If he didn't why would he ask to be her baby daddy? huh? See, I win the argument.

I grabbed my phone and snapped a pictue of them.


I smirked. Cute. Alice was snuggled into Justin's chest and he was staring at her, with his arms around her, smiling.

They even looked like a couple. Sometimes I wonder, Are they still pretending? I guess Alice doesn't want to be heartbroken. Justin seems all for it, She's the only one holding back. Oh Well, We'll change that soon, right?

Time to tell the world, We found Alice.

CaitlynB: Look! We found Alice! WEE! WAH! WEE! WAH! WHO THE HELL IS HAPPY? Because I know I am. I think Justin is too. Teehee<3 #YayAlice.

 I attached the picture and BAM! There we go. Tweeted.

I was reading some of the replies, Most of them were nice, relieved that we found her. while some were disappointed that she hadn't of died or killed her self or some shit.

The bitches.



I've been having a rough week this week. Got in trouble NON-STOP for the stupidest things like Seriously?

Like this one time I was eating dinner and My mom was like 'Do you want a fork?' I thought I had one, So I said no. Then I looked and I hadn't So I asked her if she could get me one, Because i was squished up at the wall. and she gave out to me....


What has the world become? This littlest thing I do, I get in trouble for. So stupid.

So Umm... Yeah, I was ALSO studying for this GIANT test hat I should have started studying in September:/

They wanted me to study for like....4 months? September-February.

Bitch Please. As if that's gonna happen.

AND I keep getting in trouble for school for forgetting to get my test's signed! I get EXTRA work AND Detention:/ SO Retarded.

AND I got Detention for not doing sport, Like seriously? We were playing Dodge ball! I do NOT see the fun of gettin hit with Balls, or how You can even call that sport :I

So I turned around to my teacher and was like 'Bitch I ain't goin'." AND I actually didn't.

That will teach her ;)

They don't call me a rebel for no reason;) :L:L

AND she had the cheek to go to my Year-Head and tell him I wasn't doing sport, So he comes up to me asking and I was all like 'Well, If you have a problem, You can call my mom...Cause I aint doin' it.'. He NEVER gives out to me, Because he loves me(:

Psh, Who doesn't?

Kidding! ANYWHOO. Sorry, I'm babbling :3



N Comment:)

P.S NONE fo you guys are voting on what to call my fans and it's really pissing me off. I can't just CALL off the competition, So Vote or I will be forced not to upload :I

And we don't want that, Now do we D:

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