Home For Fall

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(A/N Guys! This is the last chapter of Home For Fall! Thank you so so much for everything you've done. For reading, for commenting, for voting. I always enjoy reading what you guys have to say, and I love all of you who have either been here since the beginning or just got here to read. It breaks my heart to end it, but sadly all things must come to an end. You guys are absolutely epic. You've made me one of the happiest authors in the world. Thank you for reading this story. There will not be a sequel. But there may be more Emison/Clexa fics down the line. I love you all, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Here it is. Enjoy the final installment of Home For Fall.



Two Months Later

"It's such a lovely day for the park," Hanna said exuberantly.

The couples all laughed at her as she began to skip around in wide circles.

Emily kissed Alison's nose and squeezed her hand in her own. "It's a lovely day to walk in the park with my lovely wife."

"I still can't get over hearing you call me that," Alison giggled.

"Mrs. Alison Fields," Emily said before her lips found the blonde's.

"You two are ruining it," Hanna exclaimed.

Aria rolled her eyes. "They're newlyweds. Cut them some slack."

"When Caleb and I get married, I sure as hell am not acknowledging it," Hanna said.

"Thanks Han, that's great to know. Guess I just won't ask you," Caleb said.

"Boy, you better ask me or I'll kick your ass," Hanna glared at him.

Everybody laughed.

"Isn't it funny how Ali and I were the first to get married? Everybody thought we'd be last," Emily said.

"You two have loved each other the longest. You're the original couple," Toby said.

"No, it's not a matter of that. I just think whatever is out there is pushing us together. We will always have each other," Emily whispered.

"Oh god, I see what you're getting at now, Han," Spencer said and pretending to gag.

"Oh shut the hell up all of you," Alison laughed as she wrapped her arms around the brunette's neck and kissed her.


"Do you want kids?" Alison asked as they laid next to each other in bed.

Their new house was huge, almost too big for the both of them. Some nights it kept Alison up as she realized how lonely it was.

They had built one a couple towns away from Rosewood. The thought of living there was just too much for either her or Emily to bear. They needed to escape.

Of course they visited Pam (who was now sitting in remission) every now and then. But they tended to stay away from Rosewood if they could help it.

Alison transferred jobs, and Emily moved into a new recruiting office. They lived seemingly normal lives.

Alison stared at the picture by their bedside of her and Emily kissing on top of the Eiffel Tower on their honeymoon. It made her smile faintly.

Hanna and Caleb moved back to New York where Hanna resumed her job of traveling the world for fashion shows and new ideas for her designs.

Home For Fall // Emison and PLLWhere stories live. Discover now