"W-What is that!?" Riley arched his back feeling the stretching continue before seeing James licking his other nipple still jacking him off with one hand and squeezing his other nipple in the other. James looked up playfully at Riley.


"Green, good god green!" Riley yelled before James grabbed his cock quickly, slamming himself into Riley hard as Riley screamed, arching hard against where they were joined. James rolled his hips slowly before snapping his hips into Riley's prostate dead on. Riley came hard in his pajama bottoms.

Riley was sobbing at this point before feeling himself get flipped onto his stomach without James removing himself. James started a punishing pace inside of Riley who wanted to move to being on his hands and knees instead but James put his hands forcefully on Riley's upper back to stop him from moving. He swore he could feel James all the way to his stomach, stretching him wide, feeling that heavy and hard cock never stopping. Riley's eyes started to roll back feeling James' large sac continuously slap against his own erotically; Riley's mouth permanently opened with whimpers and moans leaving him. James' chest flush with Riley's back before James bit his mating mark hard.

James snarled against Riley's neck, filling Riley long and hard until Riley's pants were sopping wet and filled with cum from his abused hole. Riley was a sobbing, wreathing mess coming again when James bit him feeling his front get soaked with his cum and sweat.

James slowly popped himself out of Riley, grinning at the hole he had ripped in Riley's pajama bottoms directly over Riley's entrance as his cum leaked out staining the sheets and turning Riley's black pajama bottoms wet and white all over his ass. James smirked smacking Riley's ass hard who spurted a little more cum, crying out, saliva running down his chin.

"Good kitten," James purred, Riley arching his back, "I made you cum in eight minutes flat. You like that my mate? Did your lion fuck you good?"

Riley hiccuped, tears still leaving him from pleasure, his ass aching before nodding quickly.

James kissed Riley softly who opened his eyes slowly. Sometimes if their sexual endeavors were too rough, James always asked Riley to tell him green, yellow or red. Their safe word was books.

"Do that again," Riley moaned making James laugh.

"We are taking a two minute shower and heading down stairs naughty kitten," James kissed and lifted Riley up who was boneless at that point, grumbling as James peeled Riley at of his cum and sweat filled clothes before cleaning Riley down, who was stretching leisurely in the shower before washing James in return.

Both got dressed quickly, calmly walking out of their room so no one would ever be the wiser.

"Took you both long enough," Mark grumbled but there was no heat to his words.

"Morning Papa, Antone, Vlad, Dad, Nick and Aunty," James said happily getting smiles from each.

"Good morning," Riley said cutely, James smirking at how Riley behaved with him, compared to other people.

"What took you so long?" Antone bounced his eyebrows up and down making Riley nearly choke on his fruit.

"Riley's just too stubborn to get out of bed without actual motivation," James looked at Riley who was happily eating an egg, everyone laughing at how cute he was.

Riley secretly knew the innuendo James was implying, as he was sure Nick did since Nick tried not to snicker out loud.

Breakfast was quiet until all their dishes were removed. James started talking. How Underwood said all those cruel things to him, making his Papa snarl all the while. How he had to fight against a few rogue vampires to get out of the country (which concerned everyone at the table), and how he picked up job after job not being able to stay for more than a year or two since it would be suspicious since he never ages.

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