"Lord please don't let him be a crazy, stalker pyschopath," I prayed out loud as I headed down. Here goes nothing.

Corbin POV

Only a few minutes away from meeting Tatiana. A blind date?! Really?! What the hell did I get myself into? Anything for my best friend and Beta Anthony, although, he definitely owed me for this one. I only agreed because he practically begged me so he could gain favor with the shapely red head that he met two weeks ago. Can't say that I blame him though she was without a doubt sexy as hell.

Blind dates were not my thing especially with a human woman. They were so fragile and emotional. Although, they were fun in the bedroom. Well maybe not fragile some of the human women that I have buried my cock into were more animal than me. I can hardly control the chuckle that escapes my mouth; when I think about the way their eyes widen and their pulse quicken when they get a glimpse of my huge cock. Almost laughable. Maybe Tatiana would invite me up later...whatever let's just get this over with. She's probably some tiny, pale, unattractive and deranged cat lady!!! No wonder its a blind date, "she has a great personality" was one of the comments made about Tatiana Montgomery. We all know what that means. The ultimate code word for "plain jane". Oh Anthony you owe me indeed buddy. I'm the Alpha of the Faded Night Pack for God's sake I don't do blind dates!!

Pulling up in front of Tatiana's building I notice a woman standing outside. Tatiana?! Tiny? Pale? Unattractive? Hell if she were a deranged cat lady I could be the first person she called to purchase the catnip. No, these were definitely not the words to describe Ms. Montgomery. This woman was a sexy hershey kiss all wrapped up in a tight fitting black dress with red pumps that made her ass..ets look heavenly. She sported a short hairstyle like one of the singers on TV but on her it almost made me drool. What drool? I don't drool I'm usually the one causing the drooling. What the hell? "Snap out of it Corbin," I scolded myself. She looked nervous and unsure as I pulled up. I could put her at ease if she wanted me to. I groaned thinking about Tatiana bent over with that black dress pulled up around her waist with those red pumps on screaming my name as I slammed into her. Lord this is going to be a long night.

As I stepped out of the car my wolf started going into a frenzy. What? A scent hit me hard a smell so wonderful like strawberries, vanilla, and cotton candy.

I looked directly into Tatiana's eyes.

One word.


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Tatiana POV

Good God! At least the car was sexy so far. I loved cars! Growing up with four brothers and being the only girl kind of threw you into things like that. Pulling up to the front my building was a black on black Ferrari 599 GTB. That thing was sex on wheels with tint so dark that I couldn't catch a glimpse of the driver. Seconds later the driver's side door opened and the saliva in my mouth dried up like the Sahara. Although I have never been with a white guy before; there was no denying that this man was drop dead gorgeous, from his jet black hair, to his height that was over 6 ft, to his tan skin and muscular build. This is a whole lot of man! I would love explore every inch of him. Really! Thinking about dropping your panties already, Tati? Mentally scolding myself for being so bold I continue to stare like a teenager girl who was about to meet Justin Bieber for the first time.

Did he just sniff the air? No no maybe I'm imagining things. In that instant his eyes flew to mine and we both pause. Before I know it he was in front of me so close I could smell cinnamon on his breath.

"Finally," he spoke. I look up into his handsome face to see his eyes were a shocking mix of grey and green they seemed to be glowing almost hypnotizing me. I had to blink a few times and shake my head to snap out of the trance that those electrifying orbs were putting me in. Finally?

"Excuse me! You just pulled up and I've been.." I started before he leaned in and kissed me. What the hell is going on I thought before I felt something like an electric current go through my body to my core and instantly making my girl ache. KIM!!! This man is a freak...what did you get me into?

He pulled away slowing and I could've sworn I heard a growl. "You are mine!" he said softly. "I am a freak though but from now on it will only be with you,' he said seductively and than licked his lips. My eyes involuntarily dropped down to his lips. Wait? Did I say that out loud? I heard him chuckle bringing me out of thoughts it was a deep throaty chuckle that vibrated through is chest.

"What? Yours?" I sputtered. Still speechless from the unexpected kiss he bestowed on me.

"Yes, Tatiana I have been looking for you for a long time," he replied while letting a single finger trail down the back of my neck sending shivers down my spine. "You are my mate!" he said leaning closer to me.

Oh okay that's it! This man is crazy!! That's why he agreed to this date. "Mate? What are you talking about," in my mind that statment was so assertive and strong but when I spoke it only came out as a whisper. His closeness to me was driving my hormones insane and I couldn't find it in me to move away. If HE'S so crazy, why isn't my body moving away?

"It's because I'm not crazy Tatiana. You are most definitely my one and only mate and I want whats mine!" He spoke making me jump back a little. "How did.. never mind," I said softly. I didn't want to know..yet.

I haven't known this man five minutes; and he thinks I'm his mate? Something told me that this was a bad idea.

So what does everyone think so far?! I'm really exciting about writing this story and hope everyone who reads it, enjoys it. THANKS FOR THE READING AND FOR VOTING!!!


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