29. Not the Ending You'd Expect

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February 13

Where should I begin? I guess the beginning would be a good place to start. I think the thing I should get out of the way first is the rumor about Nick and I: no, I'm not having an affair and he would definitely attest to that. Though we did have something between us that I couldn't explain, (and I refuse to explain it now) it means nothing to me anymore. My only regret is that we didn't remain friends. I thought after all the things we went through together, our relationship would have only gotten stronger. For him, I think in his mind he thought that if I didn't want a romantic, sexual relationship with him, then I didn't want anything to do with him. Which wasn't, scratch that, isn't true. Nick was my best friend and, to be honest, my only friend. He was there with me for the laughs, the pranks and the schemes, and even the not so good times. He was there with me and there for me and that was all that mattered to me, but it's finally starting to sink in that maybe, just maybe, he did not feel the same way. It's hard to forget that day, though I try to every moment since it happened, that day when everything changed. For better, and for worse. The day I regained the love of my soulmate and lost the love of my greatest friend, a brother even. (I've always wanted a brother BTW. But never mind that.) It all happened after Elizabeth and I shared the most wonderful, intimate kiss I've ever had.

"So Jack, I hate to spoil your moment and all that, but shouldn't we call the police and get this all straightened out?"

It had never occurred to me to contact the authorities about any of this, which would have been the sensible thing to do. To be honest, I was more worried about Elizabeth's life than anyone else's, so calling the police seemed unnecessary at the time.

"I'm pretty sure someone's already taken care of that for us, considering the massive fire blazing behind us and hearing multiple gun shots. I'm surprised they haven't gotten here sooner; it's been a hell of a time since all that's happened. Like, seriously, there's nobody here and I'm not sure if we should be worried by that or not."

"Yeah, me either. Feels like something straight out of a fanfic or something, doesn't it?", Nick agreed.

"I wouldn't use fanfic in this exact analogy. It's more like an action packed romance novel. Besides, have you read fan fiction? It's utter garbage," I retorted.

"No way! I've read some pretty interesting and detailed fan fiction and they respect the characters that are being written about. You can't just bash on it like that."


Seeing how hysteric she was made me realize the gravity of the situation: Hans and probably many others were dead, Pitch likely stopped twitching and escaped to go off and just be the creep that he is, and Elizabeth has been through hell and back by being being sexually assaulted numerous times, kidnapped from her family, and, from what I gathered, was forced to stay in a room with the dead body of her best friend. All of that's really fucked up and none of it should have happened to her in the first place. I dialed 9-1-1 as fast as I could and told them about the fire and the gunshots I "heard" . They said they were already on their way because of multiple calls the had already gotten. When the police arrived, they asked each of us a ton of questions about everything that had happened and I did my best to answer all of them without making myself look like a complete psychopath. I'll admit, when I look back on most of the things I did, I can see that they were insane and very unnecessary. Why did I set Kingdom Hearts on fire again? I don't even know anymore.

They asked Elizabeth a bunch of questions as well and I could tell that it was very overwhelming for her. Having to recount and talk about her whole experience with complete strangers must have been insanely stressful. I don't mean to sound conceited, but I just can't shake this feeling that everything that happened was my fault. I know I shouldn't think that because how could I have known that all these terrible things would happen, but it seems like a huge coincidence that I broke Elizabeth's heart just a day or two before she was kidnapped. Maybe if I hadn't accused her of infidelity without any actual evidence, things would have turned out a lot different. I was a fool and because of that, everyone around me suffered. But it's useless to wallow in self pity when you refuse to do anything about it and that's what I did for three long years. I didn't do anything to ease my pain; I just kept adding my guilt and regret as fuel to the fire in my heart, which only made it burn more and leave nothing except ash and dust. Maybe that's why I'm so obsessed with fire.

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