13. Just A Chat

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Elsa lead Jack all the way to her room above Kingdom Hearts, not letting go of his hand the whole way there. She opened the door, dragged him inside, and sat him in a desk chair right next to her bed.

"You're not going to do another lap dance for me, are you?", he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nah. I just want to talk to you. Oh, I guess I should change first," she said in a bubbly tone as she went to the restroom to change. She took off her binding and revealing stripper clothes into a baby blue sweater and charcoal yoga pants and put her hair in a bun. She was worried that maybe he wouldn't like her as much if she went out in these casual clothes, but she felt so free to have herself covered up and out of the hands of those creeps downstairs.

Meanwhile, Jack was just sitting awkwardly in a little chair, waiting for Elsa to come back when he got to thinking: what if she wouldn't like me if she found out how much of an egghead I am? He started having second thoughts when he saw her step out of the bathroom, looking like an actual person. She couldn't be more beautiful and she noticed him starting at her.

"I know, I'm ugly without my make-up and cute clothes". Jack shook his head in disbelief.

"Ugly? You're just as gorgeous without your make-up on! If anything, you're even more gorgeous". Elsa just blushed.

"Well, don't you know how to charm a girl. So, tell me a little bit about yourself", she said and plopped on her bed right in front of Jack.

"Well, what would you like to know?"

This made her think for a little while, but quickly thought of something.

"What's with the silver hair? Are you some kind of emo because you couldn't have been born with it, right?", she asked with much curiosity. Jack just chuckled.

"No, I wasn't. I actually got it from losing a bet a year ago. I thought it would only last a couple of weeks; a month at the most, but it turns out the dye was permanent. I could've dyed my hair back, but I have just gotten so used to it that I've kept it like this ever since. It used to be a medium brown kinda color," he answered. Elsa laughed.

"What was the bet?"

*sighs* "I had a week to try to get a girl to sleep with me and I couldn't," he said in a depressed voice, which made Elsa feel sorry for him. She reached out her hand and rested it on his knee.

"I'm sorry I asked," she apologized with a small smile.

"It's alright. Like I said, I got this cool hair color out of it so it's kinda a win-win. So what about you? Care to tell me that little old name of yours?", he asked with a snug face. But Elsa was conflicted on what she should do; if she told him her real name, it could create a lot more trust with him. But it could be risky because Hans forbids any of the girls to give out their names; people could find out what Hans was really up to. But she decided to anyway.

"My name is Elsa, Elsa Arendelle". Jack just looked at her with amazement.

"A beautiful name to match with an even more beautiful face. I like it". She could feel her cheeks start to burn from blushing so hard. She couldn't believe that she had gotten such a nice and practically prefect guy to fall for her! And he couldn't believe he had gotten such a gorgeous girl to even talk to him, let alone want to see him again. 

"You know, you're not like other guys. At least, not like the guys whom cross paths with me every night. It's been an eternity since I've met a man who's so civilized and doesn't just see me as a piece of ass. Look,  I know we haven't known each other for a while, but I'm truly grateful to have you as a friend", Elsa told Jack as she reached for his hand and squeezed it tightly.

"I feel the same way Elsa. Before I met you, the only true friend I had was Nick and it's hard to talk to him about 'feelings' most of the time. But with you, I don't have to be afraid of my emotions. I feel completely comfortable around you, almost as if I've known you for years", he replied and Elsa mentally agreed. As weird as the thought was, she did feel as though her and Jack shared a special connection with one another. However, she couldn't recall having ever met him before the events which transpired at the club about a week ago. The joint familiarity between the two was honestly quite strange. 

Amidst the irregular occurrence, the couple talked all through the night; Jack telling Elsa all about his life before he moved there with Nick, with her listening to every word. She told him a little bit about her past, leaving out the part that she was stolen from her family. After Jack noticed the sky changing colors, he remembered about Nick.

"Oh fuck! I didn't realize how late it had gotten. I have to go, I'm sorry," he said with guilt stricken face, but Elsa just have him a small smile.

"It's OK, I knew you were going to have to leave sooner or later. I'm just sad that I won't see you for awhile," she said and reached up to his cheek and gave him a kiss, which made Jack stiffen like a statue.

"Promise you'll come back and hang out with me again, OK?"

"Of course. Nothing could stop me. Until next time?"

"OK, until then". Elsa lead Jack out the way he came in to make sure the coast was clear and said goodbye to him one last time. He left out the door and went to the car, expecting to find a tired and agitated Nick. But when he looked through the window, he saw nothing.

"Nick, this isn't funny man. Where are you?", he asked out to the empty air. He was starting to get anxious, wondering where Nick was if he wasn't even near the car.

"Hiccup! Stop playing games with me and let's go!", he screamed out to no one in peculiar. That's when he heard a faint voice call his name.


Jack started walking towards where he heard the voice and found himself in an ally way, which brought back memories of that night when this all started. And as if out of nowhere, he felt something grab his ankle. He screamed like a little girl, but a familiar voice calmed him down.

"It's just...me, you big baby," it said in a strained voice. Jack turned and looked down to see Nick, black and blue all over.

"Hiccup! Oh my God, what happened?!"

"I *winces* couldn't outrun those buff bastards. I tried but, they caught up to me. They beat me up pretty bad," he strained to say and coughed up some blood. Jack was petrified and didn't know what to do.

"Hic, I need to get you to a hospital. Come on!", he demanded as he helped Nick off the ground. And as he dragged him out of the ally, he noticed a switch blade sticking out of his foot.

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