21. You Again?!

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 Darkness. That's the last thing I remember. It was dark, it was cold, and I was scared. But then, then I could flutter my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar place with no one around, leaving me alone. How did I get here?! I woke up with a headache to beat the band, which really made me want to go back to sleep. But I couldn't; I need to find out how I got...wherever I am and how to get out.

Jack popped his eyes open when he remembered all of the awful things that happened just a few hours ago. All he could think to do was to jump up and run as fast as humanly possible back to Kingdom Hearts, but he knew his body wouldn't let him. The countless blows he endured had still left him weak and powerless, so the only thing Jack could do at the moment was sit up and take in the new change of scenery. A dark, dingy, room was all he could tell there was. His eyes darted around the room, looking for some kind of light source, and after searching and researching, he finally found what looked to be a light switch over on the other side of the room.

Using all the strength he had left, Jack propped himself of the ground and limped all the way to where he saw the light switch. He flicked it up and waited about ten seconds until he heard the low humming of the lights above. He thought that maybe with the sudden illumination, finding the exit would be all the more easier, but there was no door in sight. Just a filthy window that was left half open. Thinking that maybe there could be even the slightest chance of him being able to use the newly found window as an exit, Jack tried to stand himself up of the ground only to discover that moving his right leg gave him intolerable pain. He wanted to stop, but he thought that maybe if he tried harder he would get over the pain. But he thought wrong.

With every microscopic movement, the pain in his leg just kept getting worse and one he couldn't take it anymore, Jack let out all his grief and agony into one loud wail. He has never felt more defeated and useless than he felt right now. But nothing could prepare him for what he heard next.

"It can't hurt that bad, can it?", he heard a familiar voice ask him. Jack whipped his head around to the other side so his face could see the stranger that owned the voice. And he couldn't be more confused.

"You again?! I...how? No why?!", Jack just stammered while trying to put all he was thinking into words, and the stranger just smiled a crooked smile.

"You don't have to act so surprised. I'm not a bad person, I just do bad things," the stranger said while rolling his eyes.

"All the more reason to think you're a bad person. So why don't you just leave me alone, bitch".

"First of all, the name's Pitch and second, I would watch the way you speak to the person who saved your life," Pitch answered with a smug little face.

"Wait, you're the one who saved me from those thugs and brought me here?", Jack asked in disbelief.

"No shit, Sherlock. Looks like you got it all figured out. Though that may be true, what I don't understand is if you're that smart, then how come you couldn't even find the freaking door?!"

Jack just looked at him with bug eyes. "This place has a door?"

Pitch literally facepalmed himself at this boy's question. "Oh dear God, you're hopeless. Yes this place has a door. How do you think I got you and myself in here?", he asked in an agitated voice, which made Jack feel even more stupid than he already did.

"Yeah, you're right. Man, I feel like a complete idiot! I was dumb enough to let Nick take me to the strip club, I was dumb enough to want to come back, I was dumb enough to let Elsa take me back, and I'm so mentally dysfunctional that I can't even find the door to a place that clearly has one!"

Pitch didn't know how to react to Jack's ranting. He thought that it could be either one of two options: one, he could just be stressed out from being in his recent situation or he was on the verge of becoming completely insane. Whatever the reason, it was probably a good idea to at least try and comfort him, so he walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Dude, calm down. If I knew you were going to half a panic attack, I wouldn't have said anything about the stupid door. I just want to let you that I'm here to help," Pitch said, trying to sound sincere. But that didn't work.

"Well, you have a funny way of showing it, but thank you. If I'm ever going to get back into Kingdom Hearts and rescue Elsa, I'm going to need all the help I can get," Jack answered with a slight smile.

"So tell me, just how are planning on doing all of this?", Pitch asked doubtfully, which only made Jack smirk. 

"Don't you worry that little head of yours; I have a plan. But..."

"But what?"

"But there's one more person we're going to need to make this plan work. I just hope I won't have to give up my virginity to make him say yes".

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