10. Thinking of Her

584 21 15

November 10th

Look, I know it's been a week since Hiccup and I went out on our little "adventure", but I'm still furious at him! I'm seriously rethinking my choices in friends because this is the last straw. I haven't talked to him since we got back on campus that morning and he's been apologizing like crazy ever since. He even bought me a miniature cake that said "I'M SORRY". Although I didn't forgive him, I still ate the cake. ;) But the trip wasn't a total loss; I met the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life! Her messy, platinum blonde braid hung down perfectly on her shoulder. Her glittery, icy blue dress hugged her figure like it was attached to her body. She's gorgeous, and a stripper. I'm kidding myself to think I would ever have a chance with her; she's WAY out of my league. And I don't think she would even want to see me again. I acted like such a wuss, being the virgin that I am. And even if she did, I can't go back because the douche bag who owns Kingdom Hearts sent security after us. All thanks to Hiccup! But I shouldn't let that stop me from thinking about her, all the time. I think her name's fitting, her stripper name anyway. She's one of a kind and no one is like her in any way. She's delicate and beautiful, but can be cold to the touch. In all sense, she is a snowflake. And like when it snows, I can't get enough.

In awe of her beauty,

Jack ☺

Jack reluctantly closed his journal and put it back in its drawer home. He didn't want to stop writing about Elsa, capturing every memory he could of his experiences with her. He really did want to go back and see her again. He just wished that Nick wasn't such a dumbass and ruined everything. Jack felt like he could never forgive him for what he put him through, but secretly wanted to thank him. If it wasn't for Nick, he wouldn't have met Elsa.

Jack was waiting for Nick to come back from his last class so he could have a serious talk. He meant what he said; Nick has always been a problem for Jack and what happened a week ago pushed him over the edge. He decided that they shouldn't be friends anymore if Nick was capable of doing these kinds of things. Or worse. Jack started worryingly pacing the floor, thinking about what he going to say to Nick when he opened the door.

"We need to talk," Jack said sternly. Nick let out a heavy sigh.

"Look Jack, I know you're mad at me, but I can fix it for you."

"Fix it?! You've done enough to 'fix it' for me. I think it's high time we went out separate ways and not see each other for awhile," Jack said with his lips starting to quiver. Nick just rolled his eyes in frustration.

"But Jack you're being irrational! I-", but he was interrupted.

"I'm being irrational?! You wanted to buy crack while we were hiding from the cops!", Jack yelled.

"Can't you just let me finish?! I-"

"NO, Nick. I'm not going to let you ruin my life just so you can have some dumb thrills! Last week was the last straw and I just can't take it anymo-", he didn't get to finish ranting because Nick started physically shaking him to shut up.

"I CAN GET YOU BACK IN THE STRIP CLUB!", Nick yelled in between shakes. Jack pulled his hands off him so he would stop.

"Wait, what?", Jack asked in disbelief.

"I said I can get you back in Kingdom Hearts. Look, I know that you're still pissed at me for that night, but I really want to make it up to you by getting you in the one place you really want to be". Jack just looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"And what makes you believe I want to go back?"

"Because I read your diary. I read that you really wanted to back cuz you wanted to see that stripper, Snowflake," Nick replied, trying to be cocky. And hearing this just made Jack's face burn with embarrassment.

"DUDE! That's my most prized possession that keeps my most private secrets!", he yelled defensively.

"Well, not any more. But I only did it so I could figure out how to make things up to you, and I'm glad I did. The way you talked about that girl made me realize that you're crazy about her and you've only been with her for a few hours!"

Jack wanted to object, but he knew what Nick was saying was true. If he could get him back into Kingdom Hearts to see Snowflake again, he might be able to forget all the trauma Nick put him through.

"Fine! I'll let you do this for me, but so help me if this goes wrong it's on your ass. Got it?", Jack said with intimidation.

Nick give him a smirk. "Sure thing. You have my word."

Jack gave a little smile. "Alright. I guess I should thank you for doing this for me; this really means a lot."

"Nah, don't worry about it. I think you deserve it with you being scarred for life and all," Nick said. Jack let out a little chuckle.

"Yeah, you kinda owe me. And I would just like to point out that it's a journal, not a diary."

"Yeah maybe, but I think diary is a better fit for you," Nick said with a sky smile and Jack punched him in the arm. Jack was glad that Nick was trying to make it up to him. Maybe he was wrong about him. Maybe he was just a person who needed a little guidance on the right direction. Because maybe, just maybe, without that guidance he'd be lost, forever.

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