4. The Plan

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Four days have gone by since Jack and Nick have been enrolled in their new school. While Nick has been bored out of his mind, Jack has been found every opportunity to have fun in his academics. In the little time he's been there, Jack has signed up for three after school clubs and started a study group for his peers in History class. Things were going great!

November 2nd

Hey, it's me again. I don't have much to say than being at this school has been one of the greatest experiences of my life! Everyone is so nice here and that really makes me feel like I belong here. I think the only one who isn't having a good time is Hiccup, but that's no surprise. He's only happy when girls throw themselves on him. Oh yeah, and today's my birthday. I don't really want to do anything special, but I'm hoping Hiccup has something planned as a surprise. I just don't want him to forget again like for my 16th birthday. My parents were away on their wedding anniversary and I was left home alone. I didn't have many friends besides Hiccup so I he was the only person I could hangout with. I called him all day that day but he never answered. The next day I got a call from Hiccup. He asked why I was blowing up his phone. I told him because it was my birthday and I wanted him to come over. He said that he had turned off his phone because he had a girl over. After he said that, I hung up the phone. I couldn't believe that he stood me up for some one night stand! I've still really haven't forgiven Hiccup for that, so I hope he'll make it up to me. 

Still holding a grudge,

Jack ☺

Jack shut his journal and put it in a drawer inside his desk. He took out his notebook and started looking over his science notes for an upcoming test when he felt something soft cover his eyes. He started to panic, but heard a familiar voice from behind him.

"Calm down, it's just me", Nick said.

"Hiccup, what are you doing?", Jack said in an agitated voice.

"What do you think, stupid? I'm taking you to your birthday surprise."

Jack couldn't believe it. "Really?!"

Nick just rolled his eyes. "YES! Now come on, let's go!"

Jack leaped out from his chair and ran to the door only to run into the wall. He fell to the floor with a thud. He could hear Nick snickering from behind him.

"Yeah, I forgot that I was wearing a blindfold."

"Ya think?"

Nick helped Jack up and lead him out the door and to their car. Nick drove for about 45 minutes until he finally came to a stop. Jack couldn't get over his excitement.

"Are we there yet?!"

"Yup, go ahead and get your blindfold off."

Jack ripped his blindfolds off and looked outside his window and his smile immediately turned into a frown.

"You've got to be kidding me."

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