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Elsa was in a mood. A very particular mood. She couldn't help but feel the for some reason, all of her hope was drained away. Then, she remembered what day it was; the day she always tried to forget. It was the three year anniversary of the day she was kidnapped and forced to be a stripper. And as if at all at once, her memories of past retched and depressing days being away from her family started to flood back in a wave of agony and grief. She felt like passing out from the shock of her strong and sudden emotions, and almost did when she realized what's the point? Being passed out for an hour or two could help her forget for a little while, but it couldn't erase her memories forever. And nobody really noticed her fatigue, nobody but Rapunzel.

"Hey, are you OK?", she asked Elsa with concern.

"Of course, I've never been better," Elsa lied.

"Girl, I know when you're feeling depressed; I can tell from the way you act like a zombie. What's going on?", she demanded her to tell her. Elsa sighed in defeat.

"It's my three year anniversary today," was all she could say without sounding like she about to cry. Rapunzel knew exactly what she meant and gave her a long, warm hug, which Elsa quickly embraced.

"I'm sorry, Els. I know that this has been hard for you, but I want you to know that I'm always here for you; no matter what," she said as she released the hug.

"Thank you. It's never been easy, but you've made being here a lot less unbearable. I'm just so thankful that you're my friend," Elsa said while sniffling back her feelings. And right then and there, Rapunzel got an idea.

"You know, I'm not your only friend. What about that guy you're always taking about?". Elsa just looked at her with confusion.

"Jack? Well yeah, I guess he's sort of my friend. What about him?"

"I think you're more than friends by now, Elsa. He's always making an effort to see you even though he's at risk of getting caught by Hans". Elsa couldn't help but agree with her.

"Yeah, I guess he does. But what are you trying to say?"

"Well, maybe it's time that you visit him". Elsa couldn't believe her ears.

"You know what? That actually sounds like a great idea! He doesn't deserve to risk his life in order to see me, so why not?"

"Right?! Tell you what: you go get dressed and go have fun and I'll cover for you. Sounds like a plan?". Elsa wasn't sure about this at all. What if Hans found out and punished Rapunzel? Or what if Jack didn't even want to see her? But she did really want to visit him, so she decided that it was fine for Rapunzel to help her. She changed into some regular looking clothes, sneaked out the back door, and took a taxi all the way to the college campus where Jack was sulking in these days. He had no idea what he was in for. Elsa happily ran through the halls and stopped when she saw the shiny bronze numbers that matched the ones that Jack had told her. She knocked loud and hard.

"Go away," she heard a groggy voice voice say from the other side. Jack didn't really feel like having any visitors, not now or ever. Elsa just knocked harder.

"GO AWAY," Jack said a little louder. She was starting to get aggravated that no one would let her in, so she took all her frustration out on the door, pounding it as hard as she could. This only made him furious and started stomping towards the door.

"Are you deaf?! WHAT PART OF 'GO AWAY' DO YOU NOT UNDERSTA-", he opened the door and immediately stopped yelling when he saw Elsa standing right outside his door way. "Elsa???"

"You know, if you didn't want me to come over, you should've told me in advance," she said in a cocky, but slightly sad voice. Jack just started blushing, not believing that the girl of his dreams was standing right in front of him. "What are you doing here?", was all he could say.

"I thought it was about time we hung out in decent place this time. Plus, I missed you," she answered him while blushing madly. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sorry. Come on in," and lead her inside. She was amazed on how big his dorm was, it could fit a family of four and still have enough room to grow. She was so busy admiring Jack's room that she almost forgot to ask him something.

"Oh, I almost forgot to ask. Did you like it?". Jack was pretty confused. "Did I like what?"

"The little love letter I wrote you. You did get it, didn't you?". He was stunned. Elsa really did write that creepy and disturbing love note, and just when he thought she was perfect. He quickly walked over to one of his drawers and picked up the little white envelope.

"Do you mean this love letter?!", he asked and shoved the envelope in her hands. She didn't know why Jack was acting so hysterical until she opened it and read it herself. She couldn't more horrified and disgusted with the very detailed wording. "Jack, I didn't write this". He just scoffed in disbelief.

"Oh really??? Then why did you just say that you sent me a love letter? This was the only one I got!"

"Because I did send you one, but it wasn't this one. It was quirky and adorable while this one is just down right wrong. You really think that I'm stalking you?!", she asked in disbelief.

"I don't know anymore! I knew liking a stripper would be bad news; they're all crazy. I mean who willingly gives up their virginity just to make a quick buck?!". Elsa couldn't believe what she heard come out of Jack's mouth. He didn't know the real story and will never understand her pain, not now that she knows how he really feels. She felt like letting her emotions show, letting Jack feel her pain, but the whole time she kept a poker face.

"Well, thanks for telling me how you really feel. Here I thought you had genuine feelings for me and then I find out you think I'm some crazy stalker. I knew it was a mistake coming here; this whole fucking thing that happened between us was just a huge mistake! And you want to know why I'm stripper? It's definitely not because I'm doing it on my own free will! I was kidnapped when I was sixteen and forced to be a stripper!!! I had no one to turn to until I met you! AND NOW YOU HATE ME BECAUSE OF SOME STUPID LETTER I DIDN'T EVEN WRITE!", she ranted until she couldn't take it anymore and fell to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. She didn't care what she did anymore, and she didn't care what Jack thought of her. Meanwhile, Jack felt like the biggest dickhead in the world. He didn't know that Elsa was kidnapped and was forced to be a stripper and that the letter he received wasn't from her. All he could think to do was to kneel down with her and try to comfort her the best he could.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. It's not your fault, it's not your fault," he whispered in a soothing tone, but nothing seemed to make Elsa feel better. "I don't hate you; I've never hated you-", he was trying to look for something to say, something that was from the heart, when he knew exactly what to say.

"-I love you," he said slowly, in a voice lower than a whisper. Elsa looked up at him, not knowing how what feel or how to react. But her brain decided for her. "I love you too, but I can't have you. I was right when I said this was a huge mistake. You should have never come back to see me and now here I am crying on the floor like a giant foo-", she couldn't finish because Jack didn't want hear anymore of her ranting and kissed her, leaving Elsa red a tomato.

"You talk to much," and he went for another kiss, this time more passionate. Elsa couldn't help herself and embraced every moment of it. She'd been dreaming for this moment for a long time and right now, she didn't care if Jack was a virgin; she just wanted him to tear her apart.

My Cold Imprisonment: A Modern Jelsa StoryWhere stories live. Discover now