20. Poker Face

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Hans kept dragging Elsa farther away from the exit, gripping onto her wrist tighter by the second every time he felt her hand try to break free. She didn't care about the pain, though. All she wanted to do was to run away to make sure that Jack was alright, but all she could do was look over her shoulder and watch as the door shrunk in size with every step she was forced to take. She knew in her gut that the boy she had grown to love was lying outside the building, probably beaten to a pulp by Hans' goons and she couldn't do anything about it but take in all the guilt and regret of choices she chose to make. And the result? Another dose of physical and mental abuse generously given to her by her personally tormentor.

When he finally reached his private suite, Hans strongly pulled Elsa into the room, fuming with anger.

"You do not know how furious I am with you, Snowflake," he said as he slapped her across her cheek with a much forceful blow. But Elsa just lifted her head and smirked.

"And you don't know how glad I am that I got away from you. How long did it take you to notice I was missing?", She asked cocky tone of voice, which only made Hans even more angry. He slapped her face again on the neighboring cheek.

"Almost. You almost got away from me. And know that you so stupidly came back, I won't let you out of my sight ever again. From now on, I'll always be by your side. I don't want to even hear you breath without me being right beside you," he corrected her, but she just scoffed at his new demands.

"Do you think that I care? You take me away from my family, you take my freedom, my hopes...my dreams. You take my identity as a human being, degrading me to nothing. You take my love...my one light in my black tunnel of shadows and snuffed it out with your darkness. Do you honestly think that anything else you do to me now will affect me in the slightest?!"

Hans didn't have anything to answer her sudden outburst, but let a small smirk creep on his face.

"When did you become such a little Shakespeare? You must've really been in love with that little runt, huh?"

Elsa just looked at him with daggers for eyes, but chuckled softly. "More than you'll ever know," she answered through gritted teeth.

"Then, perhaps I should give you some time to think about all this super deep stuff in the kennel," he said with a devious smile. When he said this, Elsa couldn't help but look at him, pleading with her eyes. The kennel was a small, five by ten room that had no windows, toilet, or food and was half way filled with various, different kinds of torture weapons with only a little overhead lightbulb as its light source. She had only been in there once, but being treated like a caged animal was almost as degrading as being a hooker. And real caged animals are usual treated better than that.

He grabbed her by her braid, not caring if he was on the verge of pulling all the hair out of her head, all the way to the kennel. Being used to being in these types of circumstances, Elsa barely noticed the pain. The only thing that she was dreading was spending the rest of the day in this awful, makeshift prison, alone and not cared for. But all the while she kept her emotions under control and awaited her gruesome fate with dignity, or at least she tried.

"Please, not the kennel. Anything but that," she pleaded with him, on the verge of tears. But has Hans was just right outside of the entrance to the kennel, all he could do was give Elsa a venomous smile.

"Aww, don't worry Snowflake. It won't be so bad. I have you a friend to keep you company," he replied as he opened the door and shoved her inside the dark and filthy room, making her slam against the cold wall.

"Sweet dreams, Snowflake. I'll be back to let you out in eight hours and I hope that there's no hard feelings. Oh, and don't forget to give Sunflower a little kiss goodnight for me," was the last thing he said before closing the door and locking it shut. At first, what Hans said didn't make any sense to her, but as she kept replaying his words in her head she immediately understood and started searching the room for her friend. It only took her a few seconds to spot a massive lump on the floor, and she hurriedly scooted over to where she saw her.

"Rapunzel," Elsa whispered, but got no answer. "Rapunzel," she said again a little bit louder and still got the same response. She was started to get worried, but tried again.

"Rapunzel!", she exclaimed with more aggravation in her voice and shook Rapunzel with all her might. But her efforts backfired when she realized why her friend was not responding. After shaking her with all the strength in her body, Rapunzel rolled over, revealing a horrific sight. A stream of blood flowing smoothly across her neck and down her chest indicating that her throat had been slit.

Elsa didn't know what to do or how to react, so ask she could bring herself to do was shriek in horror. She tried backing away as far as she could from her friend's now dead body, but with the room being so small there was only a feet in between them. Elsa couldn't believe what she was seeing in front of her; Rapunzel was dead! And she was trapped in a room with a dead body! Without even thinking it through, she used all the strength she had left to pound on the door as hard as she could, but it only left her exhausted and she slumped against the door, starting to sob quietly. All the things that had happened in just the past few hours were finally starting to set in and all her efforts to act tough in front of Hans took all of her energy to hold back the tears. And at this very moment, Elsa realized that the little thing she called hope had flown out the window, never to be seen again. She had given up.

But the most sickening thing that occurred that night was the way Hans was dealing with all of this. He could hear all of Elsa's shrieks and cries of agony. Leaving Rapunzel's blood soaked body in there with her was a stroke of genius and her screams? Priceless! The only thing he thought was fitting to react was put on a crooked smile and laugh the most maniacal laugh known to man.

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