25. Blood is Thicker Than Water

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This was only one of the many sounds Elsa heard while being subjected to another dose of Hans' torture. She knew this was coming; she had been expecting him to do this ever since Jack and her had come back together. She wondered about Jack all the time, assuming that the only reason he hadn't come back for her was because he had given up on saving her. Or worse, he was dead. She didn't blame him though. Jack had every right to leave the situation that she had brought him into; she put his life at risk more than once. But there was a tiny feeling in her heart that he was the one, her savior, her protector, her knight in shining armor, and to have him be gone in an instant only broke the already shattered glass that was Elsa's heart even more. And what made everything worse was that she had to endure another helping of physical harm to her body, as if being locked up in the kennel for eight hours wasn't enough.

Hans had a very specific way he would torture her, and he only used his signature moves on Elsa. Beginning with binding her hands to his bed, he covers her mouth with duck tape and draws a little smile across it. But only her mouth, so he knows that she can still see and hear all the awful things he does to her body. Following that, he removes only her shirt and starts biting her bare flesh, most times drawing blood. He then gets up and leaves to retrieve a bottle of rubbing alcohol and brings it back to pour over all of Elsa's open wounds, leaving her to feel the sudden burning sensations on her throat, arms, and breasts. It brought him so much pleasure hearing her muffled shrieks of agony, he couldn't help but smile.

"Aww, does it hurt?", he asked mockingly, which made Elsa glare at him with daggers for eyes.

"I know a way to make it feel better," he answered his own question and leaned close into her face, planting a wet kiss onto her cheek. He began to bite her again, tasting the blood that leaked out from her vulnerable neck and savoring the semi sweet flavor.

"Your blood smells so good. And it tastes even better," he whispered the last sentence and stared slowly moving down from her neck to her stomach, running his tongue down her pale white skin. He stopped once he reached her v-line and pulled her pants down half way so he could drive his canines into her tender flesh and licked the hot crimson fluid that came out. And all the while Elsa could only whimper in pain as Hans was using his teeth as razors to make her bleed. He had always had a particular interest in blood, ever since she came to Kingdom Hearts. Every torture session always included him in one way or another drawing blood from his victims and sucking it down his throat, like a vampire when it needs to feed. And the only person's blood that satisfies his beast within is Elsa's, which only things worse. She was extremely squeamish to anything having to do with blood and the fact that that was being sucked out of her by the leach that is Hans made her want to vomit, and he knew this all too well. This was just another one of his psychological games he would use to toy with her, exploiting her weakness and using it against her for his own personal pleasure. And he was not about to let up any time soon. He pulled out a small box razor from his back pocket and slowly made it go towards Elsa's wrist, building up her anxiety. But has she felt the blade's cold point prick her skin, they both got a whiff of a strange smell that made Hans freeze.

"Do you smell it too?", he asked Elsa and give him a quick nod in response. Realizing that he wasn't going insane, he instantly knew what was going on.

"I should've given that little bastard more credit than he's worth," he said with a chuckle and started getting himself and Elsa ready for departure. He ripped the tape off of her mouth and unbound her hands, which only left her confused.

"Why are you letting me go?", she asked.

"Because the club is on fire," he answered calmly. She was about to ask him a ton of questions on how he knew this until he said, "But let me make it clear that I'm NOT letting you go because I care about you. I still need you alive for my plan to work, so come on!"

Elsa wasn't surprised that Hans only wanted her alive because it benefited him, but why did it benefit him? She wondered what he was planning with the most interest, but at the moment she was more worried about getting out of Kingdom Hearts without looking like crispy bacon.

Meanwhile, Jack, Nick, and Pitch were still standing outside watching the strip club being engulfed in flames, not doing anything. It wasn't until Nick finally snapped out of his trance when he tried to talk some sense into his friend.

"Jack, what the hell?! Elsa is still inside of that place and you fucking set it on fire! Why did you do that?!"

He didn't say anything at first, but he decided that he was done listening to Nick yelling at him so he told him the truth.

"You want to know why? I did it because I'm in love with you! I thought that I was fine just being friends and I thought that I loved Elsa, but the truth is, I don't. I was only trying to fill the hole that Elizabeth had left in my heart and Elsa seemed like she would do the trick; they both seemed so alike in every way possible. But no one could ever compare to what Elizabeth and I had and you helped me realize that, Hiccup. And now that I know you loved me along I can honesty say that I've always had a thing for you too. But ever since that day I got bullied for the first time, I was so afraid to come out with my feelings and stayed in the closet, thinking there would never be a time for me to come out, until you kissed me for the first time. So I knew there was only one way to make sure I wouldn't have to choose between you or Elsa, and that's why the building is on fire."

Nick didn't know what to say. He was glad that Jack felt the same way about him, but disturbed that he was willing to kill someone that posed any kind of threat to him. And not mention how frustrated he was that Jack was an oblivious idiot to the entire situation.

"I can't believe I'm in love with the most oblivious person on Earth! You really can't put two and two together can you? Let me spell it out for you: Elsa is-"

He wasn't able to finish his sentence when they heard gun shots from behind them.

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