15. Just Can't Get Enough

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November 18th

Well, what happened from this past week up to now has been interesting. Hiccup was released from the hospital just two days ago because there was still some work they needed to do on his leg, what's left of it anyway. The doctors had to remove even more of his leg because it got some kind of infection from improper hygiene. God, you have no idea how guilty I still feel about that night! Anyway, Hiccup is just "having a blast" being in a wheelchair (note my sarcasm) until his mom raises enough money to get him a prosthetic, which is going to take forever since they're ridiculously expensive. I tried offering some money towards it, but both HIccup and his bitch of a mother refused. I'm really starting to question if this was all worth seeing Elsa again. It's not like we're dating or ever will be, so why risk the safety and well being of my closest friend in the world? But then again, there's something special about her that I've never noticed in any other girl. Whether it's her natural beauty or her sassy but caring personality or something entirely different, I can't say for sure. But one thing's for sure: I just can't get enough.

Still not over the guilt,

Jack :( 

He closed his journal with a sigh and didn't even bother putting it somewhere safe. He hadn't been writing in awhile and thought that expressing his emotions in his journal would make him feel better, but it didn't work at all. He's been lonely ever since Nick was taken out of school by his mother so he could recover, which was good for him but made it all the more unbearable for Jack. But just as he was starting to fall into a little depression, he heard something shuffle outside his door. He quickly got up off his bed and opened it up to see a person running down the hall and out of sight, but didn't think much of it. He looked down to find a little white envelope with a dark red heart in the middle. He opened it to reveal a heartfelt, but disturbing letter.

My dearest Jack,

You probably don't know me, but I've known you for a long time. I've watched you for awhile and I finally thought it was time to tell you how I feel. I'm...in love with you, and everything about you. Your silvery white hair reminds me of a blanket of fresh snow. Your mysterious electric blue eyes call me into them, like a siren with her enchanting song. Everything about you makes me horny, and every time I think of you makes me have an erection. I want you inside of me in every way possible and I yearn to kiss your pale pink lips. I hope that in time you will feel the same way.

~Your Secret Admirer~

After reading the very unsettling love letter, Jack didn't know how to feel about it. He was mostly horrified to find out that someone was basically stalking him, but kind of flattered that someone took the time to write a love letter. No one's ever done that for him before. He thought that maybe Elsa wrote it, but quickly pushed that thought out of his mind. She wasn't crazy, at least not stalker crazy. Then who in the world was so demented enough to hand print such a detailed and just plain creepy letter?!

November 18th

OK, I know this sounds crazy but I think I'm in love! And you can probably guess who the amazing person is: Jack of course! I know it's been a week since he came back to see me, but I have that little thing called hope that he'll come again. But the sad thing is I don't know if he feels the same way. Though I did write him a kind of cheesy little love letter that I had Rapunzel drop off at his dorm. I just thought it would be really romantic, you know? But I'm sure that a guy like Jack must have tons of girls at his beck and call sending him love letters; he could have any girl he wanted. And it's not like we're together, so why does it feel like I'm addicted and I just can't get enough?

                                                                                                                               Pondering my sanity,
                                                                                                                              Elsa ♥

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