12. Another Plan

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Nick and Jack were up late at night, still finalizing all the little details of their master plan of getting back into Kingdom Hearts.

"Should we go over the plan one more time? I just don't want this to end up like last time," Jack asked Nick.

"OK. We drive up to the entrance of the club. I get out and create a distraction for the guards outside the entrance. While I'm being chased by security, you will sneak out and go around the building and find the back entrance; you'll have to avoid that guy you kicked in the balls because he's probably the owner. But once you're in, it's all on you to find Snowflake. You got it?", Nick asked.

"Yeah, I think so. What's our escape plan if this doesn't work?"

There was a lengthy silence between them, which Jack concluded that Nick seemingly did not have an escape plan. "We run like hell. We get out of there as fast as humanly possible. I'll be able to out run the guards and make it back to the car, waiting for you to come back. I'll cover our license plate so they can't follow us. What do ya think?", Nick asked while looking for Jack's easily convinced approval.

"I think we're putting in a lot of effort trying to get into a place where we're clearly not wanted. I don't know man, I don't think we should do this. It just seems too risky," Jack replied in a sad tone, which made Nick even more determined to make him happy.

"Jack, do you want to see this girl again?"

"Yeah, but-"

"DO YOU WANT TO SEE THIS GIRL AGAIN?", Nick asked more aggressively.


"Then that's all the reason I need to go through with this plan. Now let's go; we're burning...night-light," he said trying to make sense, but it just came out sounding really weird. Jack just laughed.

"Alright, I'm ready when you are". And with that, Jack and Nick were out the door, making their way to their car. Nick drove exceptionally faster than the speed limit, but he didn't care. All he cared about was getting his friend to where he wanted to be. Once they arrived at the entrance of Kingdom Hearts, Nick put the plan into action.

"OK Jack, I'm gonna distract those two buff guys guarding the door while you duck behind the window so they can't see you until you see that the guards and I are gone. After that, it's all on you, buddy. Think you can do that?", he asked in a whisper. Jack didn't know if he could go through with this, but he nodded anyway.

"Alright. Good luck," he said and opened the door to the car. He walked over to the two men.

"Hey! Aren't you guys looking for me?", Nick yelled in a cocky voice. Both guards turned their heads to face him and gave him a crooked look.

"I remember you! You're the little shit who came in about a week ago and beat us up! Hans will be glad we brought you in," one of the buff guys said in a mean, scruffy voice.

"Yeah, I'm sure your boss would LOVE that! But I don't think you'll be able to do that if you're chasing after me!", and Nick was off, with the guards running right behind him. When he didn't hear anymore talking, Jack peeked out the window of the car to see if anyone was still around. After noticing Nick was gone, he quietly opened the car door and darted towards the back of the strip club, cautiously looking around making sure there was no one in sight. He made it to the back door and opened it, glad it wasn't locked.

Jack reentered the familiar atmosphere of the place he thought he never wanted to see again, Kingdom Hearts. He was trying to keep himself hidden from Hans and look for Elsa by hiding behind a house plant when he felt a strong tug from the back collar of his shirt.

"Jack? Is it really you???", he heard a familiar feminine voice ask. He turned around to see that gorgeous mop of platinum blonde hair.

"Snowflake! Oh my gosh, I thought I would never see you again!", he said as he embraced her in a big bear hug. Elsa was surprised, but returned the hug. She was just overwhelmed with joy that Jack had come back.

"Jack, what are you doing here?", She asked in disbelief.

"I came back to see you. Look, I know you probably don't care that I came to see you, but-", Elsa interrupted him.

"No, that's not true at all. I've actually been waiting to see you again ever since you left about a week ago. I'm so happy you came back to see me," she said with a smile. They each just stood there in an awkward silence until she realized something.

"We can't talk here, Hans will surely find us and that wouldn't be good for either of us. Come on, I'll take you my room above the club". Elsa grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him along all the way up the stairs to her little apartment, avoiding Hans the whole time. And they each couldn't be happier.

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