28. Something Like Revenge

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"I saw Hans take Elsa this way, into that abandoned building. Come on!" 

Jack wasn't waiting for Nick to catch up. He just wanted to get to where Elsa was being held so they could finally be reunited after all that has happened. He had everything planned out: find Elsa, confess that they used to be soul mates in high school, and shoot the living shit out of Hans so they could escape. Sounded simple enough to him in his head, but when he laid out his plan to Nick, he was starting to have second thoughts.

"Jack, you can't just go in there willy-nilly and expect everything to go as planned. Don't you think Hans will have some kind of weapon? What if he tries to shoot you, or Elsa? Just go in, get her, and get out. You can tell her what you know AFTER we're totally safe. Got it?"

"Yeah, you're right. Aren't you coming with me?"

"No Jack, I'm just going to stand out here and watch you get yourself killed. Of course I'm coming with you!"

Jack didn't say anything after that and gave Nick a frown of disapproval. They were right outside the entrance to the building and Jack decided that he would go in first, with him holding the gun close to his face cautiously. He took a step at a time, as if there were traps lining the whole surface of the floor for him to get caught in. He looked around the medium sized room for any sign of her, or anyone else for that matter, but couldn't find anything. Not until a single light bulb illuminated from above to reveal her, tied to a pole with her mouth gagged with a rag. Jack ran to her side and started to untie her.

"Elsa, I'm so glad you're safe."

After he untied her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and started to tear up. "Oh Jack, I thought I would never see you again! I thought you were dead." She let him go and noticed how badly he was hurt.

"Oh my God, Jack, your arm! It's bleeding really bad! What happened?!"

"Some asshole working for Hans freaking shot me! It still burns like a bitch, but I'll be okay."

"I'm so sorry, Jack. This is all my fault! You came here all by yourself to try and save me and I've only caused you more pain."

"To be honest, I don't blame you at all. And I didn't come alone; I had a little help," he admitted and turned to Nick, who was right behind him.

"Oh, so you two are besties now? Even after what happened on that day?", she asked with a look of disapproval on her face.

"You're welcome," Nick added.

"Why would I thank you? After all the hurtful things you said about me in front of Jack? You don't deserve it."

"Look here prom queen, I didn't risk my life on multiple occasions to save your ass for my best friend just to have you be bitch to both of us, so I think a 'thank you' is order, don't you?", he protested.

"Well excuse me for not being the spunky cheerleader you were searching for, but I haven't exactly had the best day in the world, so I'm sorry for not baking cookies to commemorate your glorious victory!"

"I lost my leg and almost got shot in the head!"

"And I've been raped, tortured, and kidnapped from my family! I think I win this round, Hiccup."

"Why I outta..."

This was not going according to Jack's simple plan of rescuing Elsa, to say the least. He hadn't planned for her and Nick to be at each other's throats, especially at a time like this; he thought they were more mature. He decided, after listening to them both argue about who's had it worse, that he should break them apart so they could all get the hell out of there.

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