19. Taking Her Home

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Jack just kept sitting with Elsa, his arms still wrapped around her, after the terrible confrontation with Nick a few minutes ago. Everything was finally starting to set in and he couldn't take the pain and anger he felt within him and he didn't know what to about it. All he wanted to do was shrivel into a ball and cry forever, but Elsa wouldn't allow it.

"Now you can't sit here with me, crying your eyes out forever. You have to be strong," she said while sniffling.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just don't want to be alone right now," he answered while hugging her tighter.

"I know, but I have to go back to Kingdom Hearts or Hans will start to look for me." Jack was confused by this.

"But why? Elsa, you're free. This Hans guy doesn't know you're here, so if he is looking for you he wouldn't find you here. There's no reason for you to go back," he said with a warm smile and when he said that, she couldn't be happier.

"You're right! Jack, I'm free! I don't have to be subjected to Hans' or any man's abuse ever again! I'M FREE!", she starting tearing up when she exclaimed the last part. She toppled Jack over when she forcefully came in for a hug.

"Thank you for rescuing me. I knew that when I first laid eyes on you that you would be my knight in shining armour."

"Don't thank me, thank yourself. You were the one that got yourself out of there," he answered with a small smile, which made her blush.

"Jack, you do not know how overwhelmingly joyful I feel right now. We can go to the police and tell them all about Hans sick and twisted operation he's being for all these years. We'll bring him to justice. *gasps* I'll be able to go back to my family after all these years!", she realized with much excitement. Jack couldn't be happier to see Elsa filed with so much gladness.

"Well then what ate we waiting for? I can take you back right now and you won't have to worry about Hans ever again," he said and took Elsa by the hand, leading her out the door. she was going along with him when she just stopped abruptly.

"Elsa, what's wrong?"

"I...I have to go back for her," she answered in a whisper. Jack looked back at her with confusion and said, "Huh?"

"Rapunzel, I have to go back for Rapunzel. Without her help, I wouldn't have been able to come over to see you. Can we, Jack?", she looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Elsa, I don't think that's the best-"

"Pleeeeeeease???", she pleaded even more and he finally gave in. They were both about to head out the door when she stopped again.

"Now what?", he asked with a hint of impatience I'm his voice. She was about to answer his question when he looked down at her and realized that she was still wrapped in a towel.

"I guess you would like to put on some real clothes, huh?", he asked while he mentally facepalmed. She just rolled her eyes and playfully punched him in the arm. He waited for her to take dressed and they were finally ready to go. Jack drove his car all the way back to Kingdom Hearts, leaving them both in horror of going back in.

"I'll go in and get her. You just stay here," she commanded.

"Are you crazy?! I'm not letting you go in there by yourself. I'm going in with you and that's final," he said back in a dominate tone. Elsa just blushed.

"You're very sexy when you talk to me like that," she said which made him blush like mad. He wanted to say something back, but he got so stammered that he couldn't get his words out. He just decided to get out of the car so he wouldn't have to sit in any more awkward silence so they could hurry up and get her friend. Elsa lead them to the back entrance of the club.

"Okay, I'm just going to go up to my little apartment and find Rapunzel so we can take her with us and get the hell out of here. Sounds like a plan?", she asked as she was about to open the back door. Jack just nodded quickly so she could just get it over and done with. She turned the knob as slowly and quietly as she could, but her efforts were all in vein when she realized who was blocking her way.

"Snowflake, and jackass number one. How nice of you drop by!", Hans exclaimed with a huge amount of sarcasm, leaving her paralyzed in fear and him filled with anger.

"Hans...", was the only thing she could mutter before he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside, with Jack trying to reach her.

"Now did you really think you could get away from me that easily? You shouldn't have come back or you would've had chance of freedom," he stated in a whispered voice. By now, Jack was boiling over with rage.

"LET HER GO! ELSA!!!", he yelled as he came up to Hans and tried to snatch her away, but he was struck to the ground by him back handing him in the face. He got himself up, but he only had time to watch Hans drag Elsa away inside the club and heard him call his guards to chase after him. Jack was about to run away, but felt a strong hand pull him back into another set of fists that drove into his stomach.  He wanted to punch back, but he felt more blows to his abdomen that left him immobile and coughing up blood. The guards kept driving their fists into every part of his body that they could get there hands on, finally bringing a devastating blow to Jack's jaw, which brought him back to the gravelly pavement. Then, just to make sure that he wouldn't get back up, one of the thugs brought back his foot as much as he could and forcefully kicked his foot into his head, leaving him unconscious. When they finally decided that they were finished with him, the guards left and went back inside the building, leaving Jack defeated and left to wallow in his guilt and pity for himself. He couldn't help but think about all the "what ifs" that could've helped him get Elsa back.

He couldn't see much afterwards, but he swore he saw a familiar face looking onto him with much pity and sadness before he fluttered his eyes for the last time.

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