Bruce shook his head. “It’s not McCann. The kid went back to Vegas weeks ago. He’s got no reason to put a hit on us.” Pursing his lips, he narrowed his eyes, looking deep in thought.

“We got rid of Delgado and his crew.” Marcus pointed out. “Other than that prick, there’s no one else that would have the audacity to even try and mess with us.”

“Is this some kind of sick mind game?” Bruce spat. “If it’s not any of those we listed, then who could it be?”

Before any of us could get a word in, my phone began ringing, slicing through the open silence.

“I swear to God Justin; if that’s your girl, don’t pick it up. If she is in danger and this isn’t some joke, we’ve got to make sure she’s safe.” Bruce gave me a stern look and I knew he was being serious.

I slid my phone out, glancing down at the screen to see an unknown number instead of Kelsey’s. “It’s not Kelsey.”

“Then who is it?”

“I don’t know.” Furrowing my eyebrows, I slid my finger across the screen before pressing it to my ear. “Hello?”

“Bieber,” The other line stated monotonously. “Did you get my little present?”

“Who’s this?” I asked, holding onto my phone tighter than usual, my stomach settling in an uneasy fashion.

“Oh I’m sure you know who it is.” He spoke gruffly, a smirk evident on his face just from the way he was speaking. “It’s a shame, you know. Kayla was such a beautiful girl… it sucks that I had to kill her.”

“Who, is, this?” I repeated, taking slight pauses between each word, making sure whoever it was on the other line heard me loud and clear.

He ignored me, instead, continuing with what he was saying. “She was a feisty one—reminded me of your little girlfriend actually. She wouldn’t give me any information nor would she show some skin.” He tsked. “I blame you.”

“Get to the fucking point already!” I barked sharply, slicing through the silence that fell amongst us. “Grow some balls bro and tell me who you are.”

“Keep in mind Bieber, none of this would’ve happened if you just would’ve minded your own business.” He hissed. “You had a lot of nerve last night coming with your boys and blowing up my warehouse.”

My face drained of color, realization kicking in. “Luke.” I sneered maliciously.

Bruce shot his head up, his ears alert to what was going on, all eyes on me.

“Ding, ding, ding!” He sing-sang sarcastically. “We have a winner! Surprised you didn’t pick up on that from the beginning. You losing your touch Bieber?”

“I thought you were dead.” I hissed with gritted teeth, the thought of strangling him with my hands running through my head.

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