“Never.” I licked my lips, glancing from her eyes down to her lips. Brushing the loose strands of her hair back as I cupped her left cheek into the palm of my right hand, I took a deep breath, taking her all in.

Kelsey leaned in closer to me, her eyes staring down at my lips as well before she as well leaned into me.

I whisked my lips against hers lightly, our breathing colliding with one another’s as we stared deep into each others eyes. “Can I?” I whispered.

She nodded her head, pressing her hands against my chest.

Licking my lips to moisten them, I closed my eyes before firmly pressing my lips to hers.

Kelsey reluctantly began kissing back, her lips fitting against mine perfectly.

I pulled her in closer with my free hand that was still firmly placed against her hip, my fingers digging slightly into her skin as my lips began pushing against hers.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, she pulled my head closer to hers, our noses pressing together due to the strength in our kiss.

Dropping my hand from her cheek down to her waist, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her up and on top of my lap so that she straddled me.

Getting comfortable, Kelsey pulled away from the kiss, looking into my eyes, her chest moving up and down heavily before she bit her lip, nuzzling her head into the nape of my neck and pressing her lips to the skin on my neck where she began sucking and biting on it.

I moaned, moving my neck to the side so that I gave her more space to do as she pleased.

I slid my hands down her waist, grasping her ass into my hands as I gave it a slight squeeze making her squeal in surprise. I smirked.

Moving away from my neck, she firmly pressed her lips to mine again, beginning our make out session once more.

I felt her hands press against my chest as she pushed down against it, making me lay back in bed as she laid down on top of me, her lips never detaching from mine.

I gripped at her waist before swiftly turning us over so that I was now on top of her. Kissing down from her lips to her neck, I began giving her the same pleasure she gave me, this time, using more tongue and teeth resulting in the sweet sound of her moans relinquishing themselves.

Moving back up to her lips, I began kissing her once more, licking her bottom lip for entrance which she gladly accepted. I slipped my tongue in as we began to fight for total dominance.

Pulling away, Kelsey casually flipped us over so that she was now on top but instead of reattaching our lips like I thought she would, she sat up on my lower abdominal. I glanced up at her questioningly.

She bit her lip, sliding her hands down to the ties on her robe.

I glanced at her hands before looking back up into her eyes.

She took a deep breath, getting ready to pull at the strings that if she were to do so would reveal her wondrous body to my greedy eyes.

And as much as I wanted that to happen, I couldn’t let her do that.

I gently grabbed at her hands. “Don’t.” I mumbled.

She furrowed her eyebrows, glancing at me curiously. She frowned. “Why not?”

She looked so innocent, I couldn’t help but clear my throat and look away briefly. “Because,” I shook my head, looking back at her. “We can’t. Not like this.”

She released the strings on her robe, her forehead creasing slightly.

I propped myself up on my elbows. “Don’t take it personal baby. I would love to do that with you, don’t get me wrong but I just don’t feel right about doing it now. Not after what happened.” I leaned over, brushing my fingers against her cheek.

She nodded her head, slowly removing herself from on top of me before seating herself on the bed.

I cocked an eyebrow. “I don’t recall saying you had to move from that position though.” I smirked.

She playfully rolled her eyes. “Too bad.” She stuck out her tongue.

I lightly laughed. “Get some sleep, okay?” I whispered while sitting up. “You’ve had a long day.”

I could see the hurt flash through her eyes as she thought back on tonight. “Hey,” I whispered, my hand now pressed to the side of her neck.

She turned to look at me.

“He’s never going to hurt you again, alright? I won’t let it happen.” I soothed comfortingly.

Kelsey stared at me for a few moments before slowly but surely, she nodded her head. Standing up from the bed, she stared up at me. “Do you have anything I could wear? I don’t really want to go to sleep with only my undergarments on.” She bit her lip, looking away, her cheeks tinting red.

I chuckled lightly. “Yeah.” I walked over to my dresser, pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a white v-neck before walking back over to her. “Here you go.”

She grabbed them, smiling. “Thanks.”

I nodded my head, digging my hands into my pockets. I winced slightly as the jeans rubbed up against my gashed knuckles.

Upon noticing this, Kelsey lightly gasped. “Oh my God!”

Kelsey’s Point of View:

I was so caught up in myself, I didn’t even realize that Justin was beat up just as much as I was, if not more. The look on his face when his hands brushed up against his jeans made my stomach churn.

It was then that I realized the bruises and gashes on his face. I leaned over, pressing my fingers to them lightly while biting my lip.

His face stayed solemn as he closed his eyes under my touch, his breathing faltering out evenly.

He looked so peaceful.

I leaned over, kissing each bruise on his face.

His eyes opened the moment I pulled away. “You should probably get those checked out.”

He shook his head. “I’ll be fine.”

“No,” I spat. “Those cuts aren’t going to heal themselves--”

“You always seem to forget that I’m used to these things babe. I’ll be fine. Nothing a few medicine and shit can’t fix.”

I sighed, cocking my head to the side as I looked up at him. “What am I going to do with you?”

He smirked, pulling me closer by the hips. “How about a kiss?” He whispered.

Before I could even give him an answer, he dipped his head low, capturing my lips in a kiss.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck, deepening it before slowly pulling away, leaving my forehead pressed against his. “Go take a shower.”

“Care to join me?” He licked his lips, sending me a playful wink.

I giggled, pushing him away slightly. “No, thanks.”

“Your loss.” He chuckled, pecking my lips once more before walking over to the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure it is.”

With a laugh echoing behind the closed bathroom door, I removed the robe from my body, folding it and laying it to the side before slipping on Justin’s sweatpants and shirt before picking up the blanket and laying myself inside Justin’s comfy bed.

My eyes closed and before I knew it, I fell into a deep slumber, Justin’s face the only vivid thing in my dreams.

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