I laughed, genuinely this time," that's not even possible out here." 

"S-so? Doesn't mean i-it can't happen." She answered hastily with flushed cheeks. "S-so what's up? What made you so upset?"

I sighed and decided to tell her the story about Rena and her relationship with Chung. It felt wrong to tell a complete stranger about the team's deceased member and Chung's private relationship, but letting Scarlet know wouldn't hurt anyone. She didn't know anyone aside from me (as far as I knew) so who could she possibly share it with?

"I don't know who this Rena is but I wanna sock her in the face." She said once I was finished. "First she nearly kills you and then she steals your man; who does she think she is?"

"Scarlet, don't say that." I slapped her on the arm. "You should be punching me, I-I've been getting too comfortable with her boyfriend." I felt a small part of me crumble as those words left my mouth. 

"It's so cruel," she seethed through clenched teeth. "I was really rooting for you and that dude." 

"I-it's not her fault." I swallowed down the growing lump at the back of my throat. "I-it was never meant to be."

"But aren't you mad?" Scarlet's question felt like a punch to the face. "Don't you wanna win him over? Don't you want to do anything to be his?" 

"Scarlet, it's wrong to think like that." I ran a hand through my tangled hair---I couldn't help but think back to all the times I shared with him, the battles we fought together, and the kiss we shared that night---things I'm sure Rena had experienced many times before. 

"Ara, who cares if it's wrong or not?" Scarlet's voice tightened, but it held its warmth. "What matters is how you feel."

"But those feelings are toxic."

"So let them be toxic." Scarlet persisted. "It's how you feel. Just let them out before they eat you away." 

But is that truly how you want to deal with this problem? Eun challenged. 

I bowed my head, my mind racing to find the right words to say. I knew talking behind my friends' backs was wrong, but maybe Scarlet had a point. Maybe I would feel better if I just let it all out---it worked fine with Aisha and Speka, maybe I will feel better afterwards. 

I hope you know what you are doing, Ara.

"I-I hate to admit it, but I wish Rena never came back." I whispered weakly---a smile stretched on Scarlet's face at my despicable confession. "I-if she never came maybe things would be different now."

"There you go." Scarlet clapped me on the back, but her gesture didn't settle the unease settling at the back of my mind. "Keep going." 

Something inside me sparked to life at Scarlet's encouragement. The blood in my veins boiled at the many suppressed thoughts flushing into my conscious mind.

"I hate that Chung just ditched me for her. I-I get that she's his girlfriend or whatever but we still shared some precious moments together. I hate how he could just ditch me and forget all the times we spent together--" I stopped, suddenly feeling the bone-crushing weight of those words. I sighed and buried my face into my hand. "I'm such an awful friend."

"You're not an awful friend," Scarlet answered softly. "They just don't understand, but I do. Ara, what you need to do now is get some sweet revenge."

The word 'revenge' sent shivers down my spine," r-revenge?" The word rolled uncomfortably off my tongue. 

"Revenge on that Rena girl and your two-timing jerk." She elaborated with a wink. "I know I would do anything to get revenge on those who harm me." The warmth in her voice vanished with a snap of a finger, those red eyes now burning with a fierce and dangerous emotion---it could make a tiger cower from its intensity. 

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