Part 15

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I feel the water seep through my body, along with the pills. My throat hurts and I feel sick. I feel myself choking and fall down onto my back. 'Eve! I came as soon as possible, we are going home!' I hear someone exclaim as they enter my room. My vision is blurry and everything seems to be moving. 'I know I said I was coming at eleven but I managed to come earlier!' the same voice says, closer now, I notice. 'Eve?' I think it's a female voice. 'Eve! Are you okay?!' she asks and she shakes my shoulder. I hear my name one last time before everything, finally, turns black and quiet.

I slip in and out of unconsciousness and suddenly I feel an oxygen mask being pushed into my face.

A hand is holding my hand. Somebody sits next to my bed. Is that Megan?

Someone is talking to me. Two people are talking to each other. Is that my mom?

'Sorry.' I hear someone say. It's the same person as before. I'm quite sure it's Megan?

My eyes fly open and I squeal in pain.

It's been three days now since my attempt and in all this time I haven't been able to sleep for one fucking minute. I feel restless and a headache keeps creeping up on me. The doctor told me that those were normal side effects from the Naloxone they gave me. Naloxone, some kind of medicine they use when someone takes an overdose.

Ha funny, you take too much medicine so they decide to give you some more.

My mom has been by my side every single day since the "accident". Yes, that's what she calls it, an accident. She's too afraid to accept the fact that I wanted, no, want to leave this goddamn world.

When she's finally gone to go get a coffee or something I slip out of my room and into Megan's. I haven't seen her yet. I'm supposed to be mad at her but I just can't. Not anymore. I now more than ever understand why she doesn't want to talk to anybody. It's because she thinks that nobody can ever understand how she feels. But she's wrong, I do understand how she feels.

She's still on an IV. She's sleeping. I wish I could sleep.

When she finally wakes up, I take her hand. She looks surprised to see me here. 'Hey.' I say softly. 'I have a deal for you Megan,' I say and she looks at me confused. 'I get us outside and you start talking to me again,' I explain. 'Deal?' I ask and to my surprise she nods. For a second I wonder if she really nodded or if I just thought she did. 'Did you really nod?' I ask smiling weakly and she nods again, a lot more confidently and obviously this time. My smile grows, this is an improvement!

Now there's still one problem though, getting outside...

'Do you have any idea how to get out?' I whisper and for the very first time she smiles weakly. 'Do you?' I ask surprised but instead of answering she just throws her legs out of her bed and slowly stands onto her feet. I quickly run to the other side of the bed to help her and put an arm under her armpit so she can lean on me. 'Megan,' I say and she looks up at me. 'You're still on the IV, will you be able to go without it?' I ask worried. I look into her eyes and for the first time I see something sparkling. 'Yes.' She quietly says and I nod. I carefully pull the little snake out of her arm and a little amount of blood runs down her arm. I quickly grab a tissue and press it against the little wound. 'Okay?' I ask and she nods.

We carefully walk out of the room, Megan pulling me along towards a door at the end of the hallway. She opens the door and I notice a dimly lighted staircase. 'Are you sure you can walk down the stairs?' I ask. 'We're going up.' She answers and for a moment I'm taken back by the fact that she finally speaks to me but then I realise what she said. 'Up?' I repeat confused.

And so we went up, up to the roof. We're sitting in the chilly cold evening air, overlooking the city in beautiful bright lights in front of us. It's absolutely breath taking and amazing. I've never seen something as beautiful as this. We're both at a loss of words but for the first time I enjoy the silence.

That's how we ended up on the room almost every single night. After my mom has left and the nurses has done their last inspection of the day. We never really talk much, we just look at the city, leaning against each other and listening to music, every now and then singing along.


Author's note:

We're coming to an end guyssss there's only one more chapter to go 😱 im so gonna miss writing this story!! Thanks to all of you who made it this far and kept on reading. I hope you enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it! Love you lots and lots and i hope to "see" you in one of my following storiess ☺️ once again, thanks lovies for reading!

Much love,

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