Part 3

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I did not open my eyes either, but again, he did.

I was now in a large, white field. It was late in the evening and the sun was about to set. Before I can think of where I could possibly be, two persons come running towards me. Only a few meters in front of me the woman lays a blue blanket into the snow. She and the man lie next to each other gazing at the sky.

It must be very cold because they're both covered in thick coats and scarfs. I however don't feel a thing, not the cold snow underneath my bare feet, not the cold air that blows through my hair, not a thing.

The man and woman talk and laugh while they're looking at the setting sun. A smile appears upon my lips as well. When you enjoy seeing other people happy, it means that you're happy as well. Somebody once told me that, though I don't remember who or when... They look so calm and happy and that indeed makes me happy too. I just stand here, enjoying the romantic scene that's playing in front of my eyes.

The woman carefully grabs the man's hand and moves their intertwined fingers to her stomach. She says something quietly to the man and his smile immediately drops from his face. He suddenly pulls his hand away and jumps onto his feet. He starts running into the direction they came from earlier and the woman gets onto her feet as well, tears already filling her eyes. The man runs so fast that within seconds he's nothing more than a black dot against the white snow. The woman closely follows, constantly shouting the man's name. Soon enough I'm left on my own again, staring in shock at the blue blanket that the couple have left into the snow.

I guess this is what people call a plot twist, a horrible, heart breaking plot twist.

I walk towards the stuff they have left behind, slowly and carefully. When I step onto the blanket I see the woman running back towards me. When she arrives she roughly pulls the blanket from under my feet like I'm not even here. She pushes the blanket into the grey backpack along with all the other belongings that were still on the white grass. Tears are running freely over her face now and vein wrenching sobs interrupt the night's silence. She looks devastated, worn out, truly defeated. It only now hits me how young she looks, not much older than 18.

I feel terribly sorry for this woman, or girl, I don't know what suits best. Either way, I feel so sorry. Her boyfriend - I assume - just left her with their unborn child. Or at least that's what I think that happened.

She drags her feet along the white grass. Back into the same direction and this time I follow her, walking right beside her. I listen to her heart breaking sobs. When we reach the edge of the field we climb over a small fence. We now walk on a muddy forest path, still side by side. Our shoulders are only centimetres from brushing against each other, but she doesn't seem to notice.

We keep walking next to each other until she takes a sudden turn to the left and starts running. 'HEY' I shout, but again, she doesn't notice me.

When I want to follow her, my legs get weak and I drop to the ground. My eyes shut abruptly and everything returns black. When I open them again I'm back in the white room.

Megan is gone.

'What was that?' I ask to no one in particular. It remains quiet for a while until the voice finally returns.

'Not every life story starts with happiness and love.'

'Life story?' I repeat questioning.

'Yes, yours.'


Author's noteeeeeee:


Aren't you excited about her life story???! :)

cause i know i am excited for you guys to read the next parts hehehehehe :D

anywayyyysss, have a lovely day and leave a vote or comment if you want to <3

much love,


Death. (behind the scenes)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum