Part 5

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'Why do you show me all of this?' I ask. 'Don't you want to know who you are then?' he replies. 'I do, but it would be a lot handier if you just gave me my memories back!' I shout in frustration. 'That would be a little too easy don't you think? Besides, I can't give you your memories back, you have to earn them.' He says. Even though I can't see him, I know he's grinning. 'What do you mean? How on earth can I earn my memories back?' I ask frustrated and confused.

When there comes no answer I get on my feet and lean against the wall. It has been like this for days now. Or at least what I think were days cause I can't really know since there is no sunrise or sunset, no birds waking me at 5 in the morning, no school to go to, no clock hanging from the wall, absolutely nothing to indicate the time. Anyway, it has been like this for a while now. God throwing me into different parts of my childhood until I'm about to find out something important about myself or about my past. Cause when I seem to notice something he pulls the switch and I get thrown back into this white prison.

Right now I have my memories back from 7 till 9 year. I know now that Alex is indeed my twin brother. We got along very, very well. He's more like a best friend actually and I really love the fact that the three of us were so happy. I also know that me and Alex got a dog for our 8th birthday. We called him Blacky, how original. Nothing else really happened until my mom started dating this new guy called Dave. He was really nice to us and we literally formed a new happy family. Yeah I guess I can say that life was great back then.

The last thing God showed me was the day of our 9th birthday. We all went to the zoo together, my mom, Dave, Alex and me. We had to leave Blacky at home though cause there were no dogs allowed in this zoo. As we were walking through the park, we saw llamas, zebras, elephants and even some lions. When we got to the raccoons Dave got bitten by one and we all laughed because - well it was just funny at that moment. We were all laughing so hard except Alex, he looked scared. I still don't know why because just when I wanted to face the direction Alex was looking in I was brought back to the white room. Like always.

'Hey?' I yell. Nothing. 'Hey!?' I shout once more. Again, noting. I sigh but continue anyway, 'Where is Megan?'. Silence. 'I want to talk to her, I want to hug her. God dammit I just want to see her!' I stare at the floor again. I really miss her. It gets kind of lonely in here all by myself. 'Could you please just talk to me?' I speak up again. 'Of course I can talk to you.' He finally answers. 'What do you want me to say?' he then asks. 'I don't know, what do people normally talk about?' I ask. 'They ask questions.' He calmly answers. 'Really? Can I ask you a question then?' I ask hopefully. 'Of course, you can ask me 3 questions that I will answer 100% truthfully.' He calmly explains.

Woah, that came quite unexpected! I feel like I should think about what to ask first rather than shoot right away cause I have a lot to ask. 'I'll think of some.' I thoughtfully mumble. 'Not some, three. No more, no less.' He says with a stern voice. I immediately begin to think. Think real hard, cause I have a lot to ask but only three questions will be answered.


Author's noteeee:

which questions would you ask? you can only pick three... choose wisely, my love!

which three questions would you ask me? let me know in a comment or something :p

much love,


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